Very Offensive TITLE

USA network, the title is offensive! Must you dig at Christmas and Christians? This is appalling. Change the title. How would you like it if we Christians slimed islam or Judaism?



Maybe if you read the plot description you would understand the title.
The Christmas depicted in this movie is a "friggin" disaster.

RIP Robin Williams.
We will never forget you.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
-Oscar Wilde


I see where OP is coming from because I also have a stick up my ass. But I think it is more offensive to not replace Robin Williams role. Its a sin to commit suicide and so to have a person like that represent the sacred christmas celebration is just wrong.


Sacred Christmas? ROFL.

Most movies are about the Santa Clause - Capitalistic Christmas and have nothing to do with religion.

Plus Christmas aka Jul wasn't even a Christian holiday to begin with.

And if you believe Robin Williams is a sinner for dying from his bipolar disorder... then that's a great example on how twisted and evil your so called "sacred" religion can be.


Judgmental much? it is true suicide is a sin in Christianity. Robin Williams was Jewish if he was observant at all. Only God judges the hearts of sick obviously desperate people who commit suicide. If Rev Rick Warren can feel like his son is in heaven, who are you to judge.


Robin Williams was not Jewish. His father was Episcopalian and his mother was a devout Christian Scientist. He didn't practice either but said his mother's religion's philosophy of "mind over matter" helped him with his sobriety. His autopsy report was just announced that he was suffering from Lewy Body Dementia which doctors say could have contributed to his suicide.


Uptight, overly sensitive and aloof is how your thread comes across as. You have no place watching comedies with an attitude like yours.

"Hear me now! This place is cursed, damned, and yes your master is the devil!"


Nicely trolled, OP.



I would love to see left wing social justice warriors to say "f-cking Islam".



Present for ya, CzechMeowt!


Thanks for the link

Merry fvckin' Christmas


I was walking down the skyway my way...


What the hell's that all about?
You on the friggin' rag?
