MovieChat Forums > Why Did I Get Married? (2007) Discussion > What does that handsome guy with the gre...

What does that handsome guy with the great bod want Jill Scott’s charact

don't get mad, I'm trying to be realistic. I am sure it has happened in real life. But not the usual thing.

one problem with contemporary relationships, big one, is that people want from others what they can’t or are unwilling to give to others.
The Jill Scott character should not have been given this very good looking built guy. She should have found an average looking (not that she is average looking, she is very pretty but the weight cancels the looks out to some extent, don’t get mad people, this is just reality), or overweight guy like herself. We could have seen how they fell in love and appreciated each other and maybe even agreed to work out together and eat better. If a fat woman can’t love a fat man, then why should the fat woman be loved?
Here is a suggestion for a movie for Perry, a fat woman who is always after thin handsome guys and who rejects fat or average looking guys who realizes one day, why I am after these guys who don’t like me. I am using the same unfair criteria to judge people by which I am judged.
No insult intended to anyone, but a young handsome guy like that, who has his pick (which he does believe me), in real life, he is not likely to want a fat woman like Jill Scott. Apart from aesthetic considerations, if he values his body and exercises, which he obviously does, wouldn’t he want a woman that did the same?
Women who complain about unfair treatment because of their weight should look at themselves and say, Do I find fat men attractive? Or skinny men? Or men who look nerdy? If I judge them like that, why should I complaint about how I am judged?
The truth is more men fat or not find fat women attractive than women fat or not find fat men attractive. Fat men have a hard time. But being men, they are not allowed to whine.


"She should have found an average looking (not that she is average looking, she is very pretty but the weight cancels the looks out to some extent, don’t get mad people, this is just reality)"

...for you. It cancels the looks out FOR YOU. Not for everyone. So it's not reality so much as YOUR reality.

"or overweight guy like herself. We could have seen how they fell in love and appreciated each other and maybe even agreed to work out together and eat better."

Yeah we could have. Maybe Tyler Perry is reading this board right now for ideas & he will cut you a fat check for intellectual property rights. But since you're so fat-phobic, you probably wouldn't want it.

"If a fat woman can’t love a fat man, then why should the fat woman be loved?"

No one is saying she can't. Again, this is your reality, not anyone else's. What about all the movies or TV shows where the fat guy has a hot wife who is not fat? Does that make you upset as well? If a fat man can't love a fat woman, then why should the fat man be loved? The question works both ways & you rarely see a fat woman with a good looking man in movies or TV. Good for Tyler!

"Here is a suggestion for a movie for Perry, a fat woman who is always after thin handsome guys and who rejects fat or average looking guys who realizes one day, why I am after these guys who don’t like me. I am using the same unfair criteria to judge people by which I am judged."

Who is to say the guys don't like her? Again, your reality.

"No insult intended to anyone, but a young handsome guy like that, who has his pick (which he does believe me), in real life, he is not likely to want a fat woman like Jill Scott."

Oh you'd be SURPRISED at the young, handsome thin guys who want a fat woman. Fat women tend to have food in their refrigerators. Fat women tend to take better care of their bodies (mani, pedi, waxing, haircolor, etc) because they want to look nice. Fat women already know shallow, insecure fat guys like you will judge them for their size on sight, so they have to be prepared and look their best at all times. Otherwise they're not just fat, but a slob, too!

"Apart from aesthetic considerations, if he values his body and exercises, which he obviously does, wouldn’t he want a woman that did the same?"

I can tell by this line that you're pretty young & have most likely never gotten your fat little dick wet. You can't base attraction on thoughts like that. Attraction just is. You hear it all the time. Someone will say, "Well, normally he/she would not be my type, but the personality was something I had to get to know more about & now here we are." It happens every day. There's no accounting for attraction or chemistry.

"Women who complain about unfair treatment because of their weight should look at themselves and say, Do I find fat men attractive? Or skinny men? Or men who look nerdy? If I judge them like that, why should I complaint about how I am judged?"

Like I said earlier, I think this issue is more in your fat head than out on the streets. I don't know anyone who is complaining they can't get laid because they're too fat. As you grow & mature, you learn to judge not by appearance but by actions, such as abusing animals, cheating on your taxes or spouse, voting Repug, things like that. I do know girls, fat and thin, who complain they can't find a guy who can't do more with his life than work part time at a gas station and spend the rest of his time playing WoW.

"The truth is more men fat or not find fat women attractive than women fat or not find fat men attractive."

I have not seen this to be true. Kevin James, Drew Carey, Jim Belushi, etc all have much smaller girlfriends & spouses than themselves. It's not that uncommon to see a Leah Remini-type with a Kevin James-type. Everyone thinks, "Oh she's with him because he has money", but as a lady I'm here to tell you: fat guys are teddy bears on the street, but freaks in the bed. They try harder, they're good at what they do & they're willing to try new things. What more could a girl want? Fat or thin.

"Fat men have a hard time. But being men, they are not allowed to whine.

Men whine all the time. Basically my point is: you're being ridiculous. Here's what you're basically saying:

Fat women can only date fat men & they should be grateful for any attention! Those porkers! So following your school of thought, then here is what we have:

Thin women can only date thin men.

Black women can only date black men.

Short women can only date short men.

Tall women can only date tall men.

What a boring world that would be! So go out there! Develop a personality unstead of whining about unfairness! Be a teddy in the street but a freak in the bed!


what the hell?!? what do you have to say about the MANY movies where its a super skinny beautiful woman and the husband/boyfriend is disgustingly overweight and obnoxious. its everywhere. the tv show king of queens (and basically any other movie that kevin james is ever in)with cartoons cartoons its the simpsons and family guy and a bunch others,

in every show i mentioned the wife is very supportive and submission and has to fix everything the stupid obnoxious drunken idiot husband ruins. why is this a recurring theme?


The OP does make some points. I hate to say it, but it does seem like weight is more important than how a woman facially looks. This movie did not shock me this much since black men seem to have less of a problem with women's weight than white men do in general. Of course, there are exceptions to this, but I see this in real life, in movies and on tv.

It is about time we see this dynamic. As ashbone13 pointed out, they constantly show overweight men with thin attractive women as in the case of "The King of Queens," but they will never show a fat women with a thin attractive guy. If a women is heavy then of course the guy also is as seen on the show "Roseanne."

Yes, it is true that this is more representative of real life, however, there are still plenty of men like Troy whom see heavy women as beautiful.


i work in a very public place and i see couples where its a really hot guy and a super 300lb girl ALL THE TIME. i was actually shocked. i never knew so many guys didnt mind dating a girl that big. especially since the guys were sooo cute! and no they werent black guys either


I agree with you that it's about time this dynamic is shown, but I also would say it's more common than you think. I've seen this in my own life, among friends and coworkers, and in public life relatively often, in relationships that women have with both black and white men.

That said, I'm not sure if there's a geographic component to it or not, because I find it so intriguing when I hear people online say that it rarely if ever happens. I've traveled a lot, though, and I've had guys show interest in me (a woman who has been fat all her life) most everywhere in the US I've traveled, even a plastic place like SoCal.


Agree, Kevin James, lol..Cocoa Fl?


"Trust me there are plenty of figure 8 women that are pretty much drop dead gorgeous but their personalities make them so ugly."

Woah, where can I find you! All the while here I was thinking that guys were all about looks!

I'm not joking here. Where can I meet somone like you?!

But I Do have my qualities which are a must:

-Nice and have many positive qualities
-Good body and tries to care for their health at least.
-My race most of the time or ethnicity (asian)


You're not being realistic, you just haven't experienced life outside your little bubble. What happened in the movie was not something uncommon, it's just a kind of relationship underrepresented in the media, and I'm glad Tyler Perry portrayed it.

I find it fascinating that your issue is with Jill Scott's character landing a thin, fit man, when fat men in the media are quite often matched with thin, fit women. Unless you're a total misogynist, you'd understand that this goes both ways. Besides, it's not like she sought him out, he sought her out after her husband left her. What was she supposed to do, say "no I can't date you because you're too thin and fit for me"??

"one problem with contemporary relationships, big one, is that people want from others what they can’t or are unwilling to give to others."

I agree with this to a degree. However, why should this only apply to fat women?

As a fat woman who is married to a thin, attractive man, has friends, fat and thin, and has seen a lot of stuff over the decades I've been alive, I can assure you that your view of "reality" is quite shortsighted, if not completely inaccurate. Plenty of fat women date and marry thin and fit men. As a matter of fact, in my own experience, fat men tend to be more fat women-phobic than thin men, as some seem to be more worried about trying to prove that they can "hang" with their thinner friends.

If fat men can focus on appearances and reject those who have the same struggles with weight that they do, why can't fat women?


I am a fat, and pretty woman. All of the men I have dated and the man I married were what others were considered hot men with hot bodies. Did they see past my weight? No. All of them liked me because of my body, among other things. I have dated fat men but the men I have had long term relationships with, a marriage and child with, were good looking men with "hot" bodies. They loved me and I loved them. That was that.


Well Jill Scott has always been beautiful.And its not uncommon. My little brother is very skinny and he dates nothing but big women.
