References to other movies

1. General W.R. Monger and the US President are resembling their Dr. Strangelove counterparts (general Turgidson and President Muffley)
2. "Extract Quantonium with extreme prejudice" - borrowed from Apocalypse Now
3. Presidential advisor running down the hall (in the scene where he undergoes many ridiculous security checks) - borrowed from The Right Stuff (the running part, at least)
5. President playing the piano for the aliens - borrowed from "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"
6. Gallaxhar is physically resembling Martians from the "Mars Attacks!" movie ("we come in peace, but we will kill you all" speech is borrowed from the same movie)
7. EXTRA: The Missing Link describing warmer climate as a "convenient truth" is obviously a reference to Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth"

Which references did you notice?


The reference to War of the Worlds (last version) in the sounds that the robot makes during its attack on SF.
There were so many references I felt overwhelmed!.
Great movie!

Friends are the family that we choose


Dont forget after the president played Close Encounters. Then he went to the theme of Beverly Hills Cop (1984)


This was just on AMC, so even though the question is five years old, I thought I'd add some references.

The president plays the five note sequence from "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." He follows this with "Axel's Theme" from "Beverly Hills Cop." He, the president, also "flashes" the Vulcan "peace sign" after playing the Axel F song.

The war room, where the president meets after the robot ruins his reception, is reminiscent of the war room in "Dr. Strangelove."

The military surrounding the giant robot resembles the military surrounding the first flying saucer in "Mars Attacks."

Susan, after her transformation, is a reference to "Attack of the 50 Foot Woman."

B.O.B. is a reference to "The Blob" starring Steve McQueen from the 1950s.

"Creature from the Black Lagoon" is the reference for The Missing Link. Even down to his talking about carrying lots of women while being attacked by the Navy, Coast Guard, and Lifeguards.

"Mothra" was the inspiration for Insectosaurus.

I believe Dr. Cockroach is a reference to "The Fly."

There are so many. Plus all the inside entertainment jokes.

Watta ya lookn here for?


I thought Dr Cockroach would have been a mad scientist like Dr Frankenstein with the evil laugh and all.
Also i saw in the references that The Missing Link being thawed out was a reference to The Thing.

Also, was it "It came from outer space" where the teenagers are kissing and they come across an alien?
BOB reminds me of the big one-eyed alien in that too.


The giant one-eyed robot that was sent by Gallaxhar and lands on Earth is a reference to The Day The Earth Stood Still, if I'm not mistaken.

The US Army General leading a group of "prisoners" on an important mission might be a reference to The Dirty Dozen.

The attack on the bridge may be a reference to a movie too, but I'm not sure which one. Maybe Mission: Impossible 3.

Something Happens - "Parachute"


You mention the attack on the bridge and it jogged my memory. Wish I could remember the name of the film. It was black and white and stop action of octopus legs coming out of SF Bay and attacking the Golden Gate Bridge. It's been on TCM and it's a bit of a classic - maybe a William Castle film? Anyone know?


There's also a reference to "The Invisible Man" and someone mentioned "Area 52", probably meaning the Area for Monsters as opposed to Area 51.

Galaxar also reminded me a bit of Megamind (don't konw which movie is older, though)


When Susan is fighting the alien on the bridge, she is nearly eaten in a reference to Jaws.

Later Spielberg's War of the World's is referenced in the scene in Times Square (?) where the crowd panics and someone drops a video camera which continues recording the chaos.


the phrase "destroy all monsters" is a reference to the godzilla movie with the same title (homage by the directors-said in the commentary)


Destroy all monsters-Galaxxar actually yells it out
Three stooges-when Suzan battles glaxxar
