Right-wing hate = HERO

"Che Guevara is an inspiration for every human being who loves freedom, we will always honor his memory." --- NELSON MANDELA

In most cases, if you want to know how heroic someone is, first gage how much the right-wing hates them. The greater the teabaggers hate him, the more heroic he/she must be. Che Guevara, (one of the most heroic individuals of the 20th century) invites a large amount of hatred, vitriol, and misinformation from the conservative wing-nuts for two reasons:

(1) He represents many of the noble attributes that their bankrupt philosophy abhors, namely self-sacrifice, helping the poor, restoring justice when it comes to great inequality, and overthrowing the oligarch puppets of plantation capitalism.

(2) Che represents everything that the right-wingers secretly wish they were – brave, determined, dashing, charismatic, intelligent, poetic, and unshakable against impenetrable odds – while they took deferments from Vietnam – Che battled armies on 2 continents usually outnumbered 20 or 50 to 1.

While right-wingers have a dream of becoming rich and owning a 4 car garage – Che had a dream of liberating the entire 3rd world from Imperialism and ultimately gave his life for his ideals.

The worst propagandists against Che are also the Miami mafia and ex gusano goons of the dictator Batista who Che overthrew. These hacks spread lies about Che from the daily comforts of Miami and against a man who’s been dead for 40 + years. They are also bitter because they want their parent’s hacienda mansions and the slave labor that came with it back – that they enjoyed before Che came and spoilt all their fun.

Of the lying hacks, the worst clown of all is Humberto Fontova, an exile with no shame, credibility, or appreciation for historical truth. His screeds become the gospel for the Little Havana South Florida squad of hucksters on the CIA payroll – and ultimately get picked up and copy and pasted all across the internet by half-literate right-wing trolls who wouldn’t know their a$S from the elbow.


Boy, you should get them tea-baggers going on Uncle Joe Stalin. He would be revealed to you as a saint.

