Why is che so idolised?

Ok admitedly i know little to nothing about the cuban revolution, but have aways wondered why someone considered a communist is so revered by people all over the world.

I have just watched che part one, and will be watching part 2 soon but so far i am no more enlightened as to why he is idolised. I know from reading these boards opinion of him and the things he done in his life seem to have vast contrasts depending on which side of the fence you stand. So can anyone hep me understand it? Look forward to getting a better insight as I do find it fascinating.


ding ding ding, we have a winner.

Tengo una playera de Che y no sé por qué.


Watch 'The Motorcycle Diaries' for an early Che . He could have been a Doctor but instead chose to fight the gross inequalities he witnessed as a youth . Why are N.Americans so terrified of the label 'Communist' . It's like you have all been brainwashed . Well yes - you have been . He was a heroic freedom fighter . History will judge him well . It will not judge American Capitalism well at all .

That which does not Kill me makes me Stranger


Americans don't know anything about Che.

Your entire political system is build around spreading fear towards

You even think Communism and Socialism is the same thing.

That says it all .


I always felt the better question was why aren't more "che"s not developed nor acknowledged?

and an even bigger question is why are corporate tyrants tolerated?


I can not believe the blindness of the people posted on this topic.
So Che is a murderer, but a group of leaders from a country that invades other countries, kills countless of people (including children and women), kills other country leaders and chooses a leader that is willingly to cooperate (read a leader that is willingly to be the bitch of the said leaders) and pretty much pushes forwards its will in the name of peace and liberty but through wars and violence, such leaders are great heroes equal almost to god right. Yeah THEY must be praised. Such greatness.

Che lived in the bottom of the world, saw how is people lived and how CAPITALISM *beep* him and his people over and over again. Capitalism does not care about people and Capitalism is actually FAR from being democratic.
It would only be a bit fair if we all started with the same ammount of capital but thats not how it went. There was already a division between poor (95% of the population) and rich (5% of the population) when capitalism was truly introduced.

If a big industrial company pays your government enough cash to get legal ownership of lands that actually belongs to the people, is it fair then, that those people (who are going to live in poverty) must give up their lands giving by their ancestors, give up their home because some company smacked a few million here and there? Is it then fair that those people, without education, must do jobs that dangers their health and shortens their life span just so they can support them self and their family? Just so they and their loved ones dont die? While the board of that company is sitting in a hot tube having sex with models while snorting coke and counting their millions? This STILL happens TODAY because of Capitalism (see how some mining companies go to work which are owned by one of the richest person in the f-in World). As long as it is not you, who cares right?

So what most of you are saying is that standing up for your RIGHTS as fellow HUMAN BEINGS is evil, wrong, bad and must be stopped at once? Because that is EXACTLY what Che did. He, as a MEDIC STUDENT, stood up for his suffering people. He saw how *beep* up so many countries lived in that time (And still do, why do you think crime rates in some of those countries are the highest in the world) and wanted to do something but more then that, he wanted self government. He wanted a Latin America that would decide for them self not bow down to the North as a slave (which still happens because through America most Latin governments are corrupt and have made very evil contracts with America - see corn production in Mexico for an example).

I wish that the tables where turned, that the rich became poor and the poor rich (or stayed poor so there is no division). See how fast your opinion changes. Calling Che a murderer (is a soldier a murderer?) while your own countries have killed INNOCENT PEOPLE in the millions, *beep* blind hypocrites.

The real sad thing is, America won and capitalism is going to be the end of the civilized world. This is not some maya prediction but scientific findings. In 2050 there WILL be a food shortage because First world countries are eating and wasting three times more food then its needed to feed the ENTIRE WORLD. You can feed the WHOLE world 3 times more then they needed if food was not wasted, if half a ton of food didnt go to parties where only a tenth actually got eaten and the rest thrown away. You don't think such high food production AND wasting can go on for ever right, while the world population is increasing in a very scary rate? Yeah Capitalism is great, till its too late and the fun is over. Sure the REAL rich will survive, but those in the middle and lower layer (the 99%) are going to suffer in less then 50 years. Capitalism does not hold a future and its ends is our end.

Also i live in a First World Country myself but have also lived in a third world country so yeah i can see and tell the difference.


Your right. M.i.t did a projected growth study. They say by 2030.



So what most of you are saying is that standing up for your RIGHTS as fellow HUMAN BEINGS is evil, wrong, bad and must be stopped at once? Because that is EXACTLY what Che did.

What a stupid *beep* rant.

In what way does the establishment of a totalitarian dictatorship which has enforced poverty, censorship, surveillance, beatings and imprisonment of all dissent and the use of firing squads to cement one's power "stand up for the rights of your fellow human beings"?

Or do you just mena to say you're yet another in a never-ending line of propaganda-fueled Useful Idiots?

Go crawl back into the totalitarian *beep* you fell out of.


while your own countries have killed INNOCENT PEOPLE in the millions, *beep* blind hypocrites.

And your precious totalitarian dogma has kjilled upwards of 100 million and spread nothing but slavery, poverty and genocide everywhere it's been implemented. And it's failed and caused the biggest economic collapses ever seen everywhere it's been implemented.

Kindly go *beep* yourself with a rusty hacksaw, you blind hypocrite.


Your entire political system is build around spreading fear towards

You even think Communism and Socialism is the same thing.

Communism is a form of Socialism, idiot, and our "entire political system" has nothing to do with people's natural repulsion by totalitarianism and genocide.


Because he did something about it and continued doing it ... he was offered by Castro great positions within the new govoerment that could have granted him a very comfortable life ... but he didnt want that and continued fighting for his beliefs .... hes idiolised because hes a great example to follow as to fight for our beliefs. .

Reading other people posts cant help to feel bad as how many opinions are just based on what everbody says or the same ol' anti communist / socialist arguments ..without even bothering into trying to understand the message .. ... the world is being consumed and aside for still delivering the same old lines people should be more concerned on making something about it , on demanding our corrupt goverments equality and focus on real people needs ... and of course to stop consuming / destroying the world as its the only place to live we have. ... but no lets remain with our primitive thoughts but gotta watch out as everybody gets what they deserve sooner or later.


Oh, we understand your pathetic socialist/Communist message just fine. Murdering 100 million people and enslaving countless more in the name of a totalitarian Marxist fairy tale and then whining and crying about how YOU'RE the REAL victim gets that across.


You Americans have this idea that communism is a terrible terrible thing, like leprosy probably. It is not. It's an economic concept. Like Keynes proposed the concept of profit and the private enterprise, Marx proposed an idea of equal distribution of wealth for the greater good. Its debatable which one is better, both have their pros and cons. But to a very poor person, or a person who is oppressed or discriminated against, equality seems to be a pretty good idea. Au contraire, for a rich guy, the idea is to make more profit, and reduce costs, so an equal distribution of wealth would only hurt his motives of more wealth. USA is built on the principles of capitalism (they say free enterprise too, but I doubt that). Che and Fidel tried to build Cuba on the Marxist philosophies. You can't really call them dictators, as your own presidents (eg. Dubya and Reagan) killed as many too, but probably for a more selfish reason.

I'm not an American, I'm from Asia, India to be more accurate. Americans have this rather skewed concept of communism which leads to major misunderstandings. The thing is, in the rest of the continents, education is more balanced, and people get a holistic and unbiased idea of how the world became what it is currently. Frankly, Americans need to read more.


I'm sure that "idea" has nothing to do with the fact that Communism is an inherently totalitarian dogma that has murdered over 100 million and spreads nothing but genocide, poverty, oppression and slavery literally everywhere it's implemented, moron.

You clearly need to read more.


Because he was a *beep* hero.


No, just genocidal psychopath trash.


You should read Smedley Butler. He did fight US corporate imperialism trying to takeover all these countries resources in South America. People do seem to idolize someone that stand up against corruption,imperialism,etc.Was this guy perfect? None of the people idolized are perfect but they fight for what they believe in and die for their cause. Some compare him to MLK JR.

- Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


The man was so utterly committed to the human cause and equality for all people with no interest in power or fame. Even when Castro had no more use for him, he STILL went off to help people who needed help, quietly and with no qualms! If that is not something to be admired and revered especially in todays money and power obsessed world, then I fear for the future of the human race.


Admiring a bloodthirsty mass murderer who believed in slavery and oppression and claiming that it's "equality" is precisely what's wrong with the world.

You're clearly a sick and evil individual.
