MovieChat Forums > Lions for Lambs (2007) Discussion > Shame On Anyone That Pays To See This Tr...

Shame On Anyone That Pays To See This Trash

I can't believe they're actually using the line "They're not the problem, we are" to promote this piece of crap.

Shame on Redford and shame on anyone that actually pays to see this trash. Support this liberal propaganda and the stupidity of their cause and you're doing no better then supporting the terrorists themselves. Liberals are invested in American defeat and fostering the false premise that "the sky is falling" and it's quite pitiful. I'm glad that every recent piece of liberal filth has bombed at the box office. I'm quite sure this one will fair no better. I know no true American will add to its box office and reward the blatant and blind stupidity of its creators.


DUKEJBM, I don't know if you've actually seen the film, but the real message - at least what I took from it - is that we as individuals who value life in this great country of ours need to stop sitting on our a**es and do something to make changes. Whether you're for or against the war and the current administration, what happens is in our hands and we are the problem because most of us sit back and complain about things but never get involved. You're obviously on the conservative side of things, so you have a year now to go out and support your candidates before election day. Stand up for your beliefs and do something to convince the 65% or so of the country who don't share your beliefs that everything is just fine and dandy on the other side of the world, and that they'll be fine and dandy here with another Republican in the White House. Those who don't think we need another Republican running things into the ground also need to go out and support their candidates by doing more than simply casting a vote next year. Don't sit around and watch TV or read the papers and swallow everything that's pushed down your throat. Get out and talk to people involved in campaigns, do your own research and make your own decisions. THAT is what the film is telling the viewers to do. Yes, it is definitely a liberal leaning film, but the message is still the same. They (politicians, news organizations) aren't the problem because we've created them and made them what they are today by not questioning things. We've become a nation of sheep, and unless we allstep up and take some kind of action we're all going to be headed to slaughter.



Could you please give me a list of movies that I can see. I mean, I don't want to support some liberal that thinks he can tell me what to do or see.



The democratic controlled congressional approval rating is at 19%.



you think liberals are promoting terrorism. but the whole iraqi war is what brought them out and turned the Iraq to *beep* the terrorists are being more and more provoked, and if you thought they hated america before, well...

and terrorism is based on a certain idea, its not just a group of people. there will always be violence and terrorism, and the best way to stop violence is to not be part of it.

you're going to say "well no, they attacked us first". that wasn't IRAQIs. sure there are terrorists in iraq, but they haven't caused nearly as many deaths as americans have. there have been much much more deaths in the iraq war than saddam hussein ever caused. hahaha and do you remember the interview where george bush said "the hardest part of my job is linking the iraq war to 9/11"? haha its just stupid. the war is stupid. the president is stupid. this movie is probably stupid too. but just know that you're as stupid as everything else.


Look here, in the context of this board I am unpatriotic:
I don't think the war is necessary and think it should stop.

I think that withholding rights to marry gay individuals is ludicrous.

As much as I wholeheartedly think that racism exists, I do not think that the government has any place telling a business that they can or can't hire someone due to the color of his or her skin.

I think that education needs to be regulated by the states and not by the federal government.

I don't want to see corporatism continue to infiltrate government.

I think that religion should be separate from the role of government.

I hope to see a day when the two dominant parties aren't the only ones with candidates in every single election. A new party to represent people with a far lower median income than the rest of the members of Congress.

I want to see the powers that Bush has brought under the executive branch to return to their source.

I think the illegality of marijuana has long since run its course. "Purple Haze" was a long time ago.

I don't like being told I am Un-American because I don't thinl the same way as the current administration.

I don't like being told that I am evil and going to hell because I am not Christian.

I don't like being told that I am a terrible person because I do not support the troops. This is a complete fallacy in my case and many with my views. Because we do not support the current policy of this "war" does not mean I do not support the men and women fighting over there.

I resent the fact that someone (in high places in the current administration) had the gnads to demean the memories of those lost in Vietnam, and those still affected by it, by using the unfortunate situation upon those troops to bring guilt upon men and women who dissent from their point of view.

I don't like being told that "We don't have the stomach for war" by the vice president himself. If held in the balance was the freedom and well-being of Americans and others around the world, then I will take my place in line, as my grandfather did more than sixty years ago.

I think that this film (L for L) is pretty good in that it asks a lot of questions, but provides the viewer with very few answers. This is a postmodern technique not often exploited in film even today.

When I think of more ways to be Un-American I will let you know.


By the way, does it make me more American to forget what I have said? To simply adopt your thinking as my own? To be fearful because you tell me to be fearful? To hide behind the strength you provide because any other is unable and unwilling to defend me from an enemy with no face? Does this make me more patriotic?

I urge someone to answer honestly these questions I have asked. Just your glandular reaction.

And after you do that, perhaps someone could identify another group in history that championed these same ideals.




ok, trade again.

"The war is necessary."
This is your opinion and not a fact. There are many opinions which are similar to my own, formed by very educated men and women who may view "common sense" differently than you or I.

"Fighting back when someone tries to kill you is necessary..."
Did I miss something here, no Iraqi came onto our shores and hurt anyone. This ten links down the chain argument is getting kind of old. If you wanted to take Saddam, fine, shoot him in the head. End of story. One platoon in, one bullet fired, lots of lives spared. "Then they are going to kill civilians" Well, they are caught in more crossfires than they can count right now anyway.

"I think the fact that the government has anything AT ALL to say about marriage is ludicrous."
Agreed. Unfortunately this comes down to an economic issue that those in power want to stay the way it is.

"Then let's tell the government to quit meddling in business..."
There are a few monopolies in the old days that may prevent this from ever coming to light, but we can move toward it at least. If nothing else, get their money out of the pockets of the men and women on the Hill.

"Some of those people are guided by their faith in their religious convictions..."
I don't mean how someone may form their judgment on a given decision, I mean that nothing in government should be done in the name of any religion. The wall of separation is an appropriate measure to be taken in a nation that trumpets freedom in all things. This issue is especially touchy, but also one that tends to not directly injure anyone, at least as far as I know.

"Pressure from the Electorate might.."
And why not field champions under a new label. It wouldn't be the first time that the parties changed shape.

"Which powers?"
Phone tapping? Don't give me this "he is a wartime president like Lincoln and Roosevelt and needs to do it to secure the Union". He is not a wartime president because we are not at war. This is not to say that troops are not out there fighting a bloody battle, but war has never been declared.

"Who did that!!??"
Too many. And not just on these silly boards, where people don't have to save face after making a (I believe) unanimously (almost) conceived ludicrous comment. There are groups on campuses and workplaces across the country who will hold up signs acknowledging as much and even say it to your face. Stuff like that really ticks me off. And they do like to tell you that you are a bad person because of this belief.

"I resent the fact that someone (in high places in the current administration) had the gnads to demean the memories of those lost in Vietnam, and those still affected by it, by using the unfortunate situation upon those troops to bring guilt upon men and women who dissent from their point of view."
This is low-lying propaganda from the Bush administration since the war started to go bad. They like to draw this comparison to make people feel bad. If anything, we learned how big a mistake we made back then.

"When you start to understand the nature and history of the conflict currently underway..."
Sorry, i didn't realize I was a ill-informed, aggregated sixth grader here. Believe me I know how it has been there. And this is why i realize that what we are doing there now is very likely not going to put any of it to a stop. My family is not in danger because of Iraqis killing each other, so I do not feel inclined to lower myself into the conflict. Maybe it is a good thing that Americans are tired of conflict. Maybe not all Americans think like Cheney and want to test all of their new Pentagon toys on the most convenient target. Maybe there is an entire generation here that has been through this once already in a lifetime and don't want to be told that it is a weakness to want to avoid it yet again.
If they indeed "want every family in the country to pitch in" then I want to see those twin daughters step into the recruitment line before I do. Iraq was not threatening the world. Perhaps your vast education on the subject proves differently, but Saddam was no new Hitler. I do not believe the stakes were not as high for Americans as some may have made it appear.

Everything else I am in agreement on.




So fine, whatever, I am far from sold. But play this out your way. When does it end? Does it ever end? Do we keep troops in Afg. and Iraq for the next fifty years? If this new democracy fails, do we ride in and save the day again? Do we go in and install democracies in every country in the Middle-East? Might run out of troops pretty soon.




I mean US involvement (and I think you knew that). If it is going to last 100 more years, is that going to be a valid use of our sources. If so, why not just make it the 51st state? Putting enough money into it, why not make it official? Pres. Teddy liked that imperialism idea, why not listen to him? I wouldn't want to be a senator from that state. Imagine the ruckus.




Who said anything about closing borders? I just believe that this is a futile task. This is an enemy without a face. Terrorists are going to come from all over and look different. How are you going to fight them with tanks and planes? Whose fault is it when we have an attack ten years from now? What if it is an Indian guy who has interpreted Hinduism differently? What then? Stomp on India's throat? What about Shinto Japanese? Where do you draw the line?




Fine then. Tomorrows there are 100 men with bombs strapped to their chests come from Iran and blow up people. Attack them? Occupy them? How about Pakistan? They are causing a ruckus. Should we decide what kind of government they should have? As a poster said earlier, what about the nations in Africa? Lots of people dieing right and left there. Are there lives and livelihood worth more than that of an Iraqi?




Maybe we should let Iraq decide their own. Maybe we shouldn't have forced a government onto them. Maybe we should have nuked Iraq in the first place. What is the difference? Fewer people are going to lose their lives that way, nuking one location.


there are some very intelligent people who think the war in iraq is not such a great idea too.



We didn't impose a democracy upon them? A civil war isn't brewing that would set it way back?

There is no middle ground here. I suppose you have read the history book published in 2040 when this is all resolved so that you can tell us, matter of fact, what is going on. So men like Barack Obama and whoever else you wanna throw in the ring who did not support the war from the beggining are all idiots. Just complete dummos sold by the liberal media. How foolish of them. Bob Woodward. What a looser. To even consider for a moment that Bush might have made a misstep of any kind. Hah. Alternative motives. Posh. 2007 deadliest year in Iraq. False press. Any and every political scientist that has read the reports and decided that the war was unjustified and/or needs to end sooner rather than later. Geesh, turn off CNN you duds.

I have a intramural football game to go to. Those guys with the whistles can be pretty stingy too.


Someone seems to have "nuked" their own brain cells long ago if you really believe such silly things.


"Life is like a box of chocolates."

-Forrest Gump, 'Forrest Gump'


You have NO clue.


it's only a movie

let's trade movie scripts - pm me


I think everyone in America would agree, we'd much rather have Hitler as our leader than Bush


*Not really, I'm now 9 words over the line. Still...what the hell? I'd be f--king dead if Hitler was our leader and Bush wasn't. Christ.


*Shakes head*

I think everyone in America would agree, we'd much rather have Hitler as our leader than Bush

This perfectly illustrates the irrational liberal mind set and stupidity running wild. I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't Robert Redford posting here under a pseudonym.


Second weekend flop is here...


Great post friend. Don't let the liberal attacks get you down.


