MovieChat Forums > To Be Fat Like Me (2007) Discussion > Since when is it 'ok' to be fat?

Since when is it 'ok' to be fat?

All right I am not posting this to diss on people who are overweight. I have a belly on me as a result from not being as active as I used to be and lots of beer. hehe Either way I KNOW I'm chunky and NEED to do something about it. That being said:

When did people get all whiny and sensitive about being fat and making it seem like it's ok to be fat becase "that's the way I am"? Trust me, being made fun of sucks and it's not right. But then again eating fatty foods and playing video games and not being athletic AT ALL isn't right either. I think this happened in the 80s when all the millenial parents started spoiling and overprotecting their children. So much that they always do what they can for their kid to satisfy the kid. Feeding them candy, pizza, and other junk food is not the answer. Having them eat healthy and get involved with sports or some kind of physical activity will do.

Nothing bothers me more when I'm out at a buffet and I see two overweight parents with a child probably 12 that's huge. I mean really? First off, like the parents should be at the buffet and they certainly shouldn't be setting this example for their children.

As far as social scenes go. Yeah I've seen fat people get picked on and it really bothers me. However, I think the parents need to work with the kids on losing weight. Not really pressuring them, but working with them. Not to mention perhaps the school could get involved. I can't believe that Illinois is the ONLY state left where P.E. is still required. I mean, it's freakin' P.E. should be fun. The kids also have to take some initiative as well. Not sit back and cry about it and just "float" through high school and hate their classmates and never attend reunions because they were "the fat kid" To me that's just too much self pity.

On the other spectrum, I have seen fat kids who know they're fat and not necessarily embrace it, but know it but still keep a positive attitude about things. That's pretty cool too. Now that their attitude is in the right place, they just need to get into a work out plan or some type of diet. Whatever works for them. Either way something has to be done.

Another thing I will never understand is clubs and organizations for fat people. Not to lose weight or support each other to help out. They are there because they're fat and A) feel that those are the only people that will like them and B) are dillusional because since now they have fat friends/lovers that it's ok to be morbidly obese because somebody loves me. Don't even get me started on gainers...

But all in all I'm saying people have to wake up and see that are children aren't getting any skinnier. It's true that there are more obese children out there and it has to start in the home to prevent this. Being fat isn't a horrible thing, but it is something that can be controlled. And if it can't due to glands, or whatever then find other options. It's just sad when people sit back and feel that it's ok to live an unhealthy life because "that's the way they are"


Okay, my opinion, shut the hell up and stop worrying about it. :)


Why do people care so much what other people do? It has nothing to do with you. Why do you care? Worry about yourself, not what the fatty next door is eating or not eating.

You know, the OP is way off. It has NEVER been okay to be fat, thanks to people like you. Do you realize that fatism is the biggest intolerance in modern society? It's not okay to discriminate against someone's gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation, but 'fatties' are fair game, right? There seems to be this underlying sentiment that fat people shouldn't exist, period. Plus sized stores were criticized (and continue to be criticized) because people felt that their mere existence sent the wrong message: that being fat was okay. And we can never let fat people think that it's alright to be fat, can we? It's the same arguments on the Hairspray board-- a fat protagonist sends the wrong message and OH NO! A fat person might get an inkling of self-esteem out of it, how horrible! Bla bla bla. It's not about being healthy or not--that's up to the individual and is a separate issue-- it's about appreciating a person regardless of what size they are. Being friends with a person for the person.

You know what? Some people will never lose weight, period. They just won't, and not for lack of trying. I don't see why you want to wish a life of misery onto them-- trying to be something they're not, and making them feel horrible their whole life. I agree health is an issue, but who are you to make someone else conform to that? And to make them feel horrible when they don't want to conform or don't care?

In life you can either do two things, you can make a person feel better about themselves and rise up with them, or you can pull them down and keep them there lest they get the idea that being happy with themselves is wrong. I personally think that people who do the latter, like the original poster, do it because they themselves have self-esteem issues. Really great people pick you up, not push you down.

Oh, and if you want to see a world without fat people, log on to a graphical avatar site like Second Life or IMVU. Everyone looks like a Pamela Anderson clone. Of course overweight persons frequent these sites, but you wouldn't ever know it. That's because it's not okay to be fat, and everyone conforms to the ideal.

Talk about boring. I'll take my rotund bretheren over that reality any day.


It's not ok to be fat and unhealthy, of course not. It's also not ok to smoke, binge drink, do drugs, gamble, etc. Everyone has their own vices and journey's in life. It's NOT ok to be so judgemental and treat someone poorly because of their problems.

There are different types of fat people.

There are of course, people that just eat to much junk and don't move enough.

There are people that eat healthy but just eat to much overall and don't move enough.

There are people that hardly eat at all, and their metabolism is shot so they still gain weight. Basicly the opposite effect of Anorexia, though they are barely eating.

There are people that have to take meds for an illness that cause them to bloat up. I saw a documentary on a little boy who had cancer and then went into remission and got a really bad infection and the meds he had to take for it caused him to swell up and gain 40lbs. Can you imagine making fun of a kid who had had cancer? and yet, unless he told you, you would just assume he was another kid who was lazy and ate to much.

There are people that are truely addicted to food, like people are addicted to drugs. It sounds ridiculous, but it's true. These people compulsivly graze on food all day long just to help them relax and get through their anxieties. For people like this it's more about getting through their emotional and psychological issues than the eating less and exercising.

The fact is, is that eating less and moving more is rather simple, and that is how you lose weight. However, for MANY, MANY overweight people it's more about combating WHY they are eating..what is making them want to eat. Just like a drug addict has to find different outlets and face head on what causes them to do what they do.

Honestly, true, there are overweight people who are happy with themselves, so i'm not going to stereotype and say that all are sad and eating a tub of ice cream. However, most overweight people that _I_ know are NOT happy with their weight and really ARE trying to do something about it. Once you get to a point where you need to lose a massive amount of weight, and you are losing the healthy 1-2lbs a week, you can get very discouraged that weightloss is so slow and I commend those who push through and keep on trying.

Even if your not overweight, eating junk will give you a number of health problems. There are many people that are what you could call "Skinny fat".

I also implore people to not be so quick to judge someone that is overweight. It's VERY easy to look at someone on that mart-kart at Walmart and say'Damn, I would NEVER get that big, EVER. Kill me if I do". You have no IDEA how quickly weight creeps up if you are not diligent with it.

Oh yeah, and as for Gym class, for most kids it's always been a dreaded thing and not fun. It was always dodgeball, volllyball or something similar where if you were not a gifted athlete the other kids would scream at you. That is why no one liked Gym. I think if they had more options for kids like different stations set up(running, walking, basketball, Tae Bo, Karate, dancing, etc)kids might have more fun and really get into it. Not everyone is competitive and exercise should be something you enjoy or you won't do it.


I think you missed the point. The movie wasn't saying that it's okay to be fat, it's saying that people may be fat but that doesn't give you the rights to humiliate them and treat someone that's not hurting anyone like an animal. It's not like this movie showed some half ton person purposely plotting to crush people and getting away with it.


well, said!

and I`d like to add that I have nothing against big people, (I`m not the smallest person myself)...but just as long as your healthy.
its possible to live a healthy life without lookinng like gisselle bunchen. or supermodells in generall.

Let me see your teeht!

Thats right I`m a frogger!



but then i read your post, quite tldr but true!

'fat' i think is a subjective term. it's not the end of the world if you're overweight (although, i guess if you're obese.. it would be =/ js!) but not saying that they're good either.

don't be such an extremist.

things are not always black and white.

what people should really encourage is health, not ooh~ thin and slim!


Nothing bothers me more when I'm out at a buffet and I see two overweight parents with a child probably 12 that's huge. I mean really? First off, like the parents should be at the buffet and they certainly shouldn't be setting this example for their children.

I have nothing to say about anything important, I just have always gotten a kick out of the buffet = fat concept. Buffets aren't about volume, but choice in foods, often having just as many vegetables and "healthy" choices(grilled over fried chicken) as not. The all-you-can-eat gimmick is just the only way they can realistically police it without having an armed guard stand by. :D

God, why am I even on the forum for this movie.


You tell em!

Its NOT ok to be fat.

Fatties are gross.


I think in general the movie is more about how other people seem to think they have the right to judge, comment or ridicule someone for something that has absolutely nothing to do with them. Its not your business. Unless you are close to them or a loved one you don't have the right.
