MovieChat Forums > War, Inc. (2008) Discussion > One of the worst things I've ever seen.....

One of the worst things I've ever seen...

... and I only sat through 16 minutes and 14 seconds! Yes, it was so excruciating that I counted every second that I restrained myself from hitting the stop button. Anyone who actually sat through this piece of garbage, I salute you because I'm pretty sure they could show this to suspected terror suspects to get all the info they need.


While I'd definitely not put this in the great movie category, I think you're mistaken if you think it was pointed at the just the GW administration. Seemed more broadly aimed at corporate fascism and interventionist policies in general to me.

As others have said it seemed like they were shooting for Grosse Point Blank 2 w/ a heavy political satire angle and missed. At least it didn't take itself too seriously.



I agree. Well, not the worst but it was a big mess and I kept thinking what drugs were the authors on when they were writing it.
It started as a an interesting movie but in the middle, it suddenly changed into...something...completely different.


Guys common! I thought this movie was very funny and is a big wink to reality. I mean, war is business (invasion in Iraq is all about oil, if there was no oil Saddam would still be in control). This movie just shows you these things but then 'over the top' (like with the rappers) to make a point.
This movie doesn't take itself very serieus, and neither should you guys.
Try to watch it without looking for 'brilliant dialogues, deep stories or beatifull romance'.
I certainly didn't watch it with great expectations, but it exceeded my expectations. The first outsourced war, the irritating 'guidestar' button, the completely stupid hot sauce thingy (original but over the top, a wink to all those moviemakers who try to give their character something 'special' like you see in all movies), the ridiculous scene in the Burger King, all gave me a big grin on my face, just because it was so cheesy.

It's like watching a Steven Seagal movie... you do not watch it for the story but just for Steven and how he always ends up beating up bad guys and breakin their hands and ending the movie with a chick and some word of advice.

Maybe it's because I'm from the Netherlands where we are a little bit more open minded for completely different world views opposed to America (maybe if I were American I would also not like this movie...not sure), but I really liked it and recommended it to all my friends!



I didn't like the movie either. It's not the worst movie ever but it was just very, very bland. It wasn't that funny, at some points it tried to be too clever and at other points it almost became an action movie like they couldn't decide what should be the most important part of the film. In many ways, it gave me the same feeling that Robin Williams movie Man Of The Year had made me feel a couple of months before, it fails for exactly the same reasons.

But what I dislike so more than watching a bland movie is these IMDB board idiots that judge a movie when they have not even seen it in its entirety. I don't care if in 9 out of 10 cases the rest of the movie won't be much better, you are a retard if you're judging movies based on having seen just a part of them. If you start on something you better have the balls to finish it if you want to earn the right to complain about it later.


I thought Cusack and Tomei had real chemistry. You really feel about their relationship.


This movie was not a good film, especially considering all that were involved in the production. It seemed to only want to do one thing: Criticize. It didn't tell a cohesive and lucid story, good actors actually did a bad job acting, it wanted to bill itself as Gross Pointe Blank 2 but the movie was not on the same level as that prior work. To say I was disappointed in this movie is an understatement. This is what happens when you let your politics and beliefs guide a movie without taking in to consideration things like story and plot.

Kind of sad because I love Gross Pointe Blank and many other John Cussack movies, despite not seeing eye to eye with him on many subjects. And Marisa Tomei is just a beautiful actress that has the ability to go along with it...

"God is Dead" Nietzsche
"Nietzsche is dead" God


I'm barely 30 minutes in and this movie SUCKS. There are way too many moments that are obviously supposed to be funny, but they're just stupid and boring. I think I'll turn this garbage off.

It is the way of men to make monsters; and it is the nature of monsters to destroy their makers.


Definitely agreed with the repeated "supposed to be funny" criticism. There are a few genuinely funny lines (most coming from Cusack, probably ones he wrote himself and with good reason I'd guess) but for the remainder of it the rest of what's supposed to be funny seems to miss the mark. Restraint probably would've given this film an edge in terms of quality, instead of just dumping too much of the obvious to convey the satire to the audience.



Humor is subjective. Some people can't handle wry satire.

"Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana."



I'm no teenager, but if Colbert's show is the criteria for comparison, I think you'd have to look pretty hard to find writing staffs that are superior to those who work for The Colbert Report - - and Stewart. The consistent level of material that they turn out four days a week is damned impressive.

We simply disagree here.

"Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana."



One of the most boring and unfunny movies ever made.

Humor and satire, are you kidding me?

John Cusack continues to sink into a never ending series of mediocre movies. What happened to this guy. Geez.

I still can't believe how bad and boring this movie.

yes it was supposed to be satire, I get it. Satire is supposed to be witty, intellectual, sharp, insightful.

Oh brother.
