White Women!

I am so sick of these books/movies/television shows in which privileged white women act as if they have the most serious problems in the world. "What's wrong with my life! I must travel around the world like everyone else can when they have a problem." You know what her problem was?! She had CRAPPY taste in men. That and deciding they finally want a family when they are in the 30's and wondering why they have fertility problems. There! I just saved her a few thousand dollars. And this is not me being racist, it's being observant.



i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners



When do you think women should have babies? In their teens? Their twenties? Not all women want to have kids straight of high school, OP. Moron. I hate white, waah.


*white women*


so so so kills
when it's nyo
they bad
they spoilt

pour moi it's nyo

"never trash unless u gonna walk a mile they shoe first - 'cause then you'll be a mile away n you'll have they shoe"

there's no they
only we


sort of glossed over the buchen what tas the condensation of the toothless life learning
but the smile part was so so so there
n the boat thing

get on the boat

der hund verzehrt mein kind
