The ending sucks

He could have just shut the f up and deny everything N was saying and when they weren't paying attention he could have run through the red door (not hit the wall like he did like an idiot). They wouldn't have believed him but at least he could have bought some time to escape and write their names down and win. The whole series ruined by the last chapter. So frustrating!!


I thought the ending had a breaking bad feel. It wasn't supposed to be a happy ending. It was destiny that Light/Kira would lose. I thought the ending was perfect.


I don't think the lack of a "happy" ending is what the problem is. It's that the quality of the ending wasn't up to par with other parts of the show. (Much like Dexter)


What? He was caught. There was no talking his way out of it. You think everyone would just stand there while he tried to run towards the red door? They would've been ready for it. He knew he was caught. And he was a narcissist, so he had to talk. He's always wanted to gloat, and this was his chance. I liked the ending, but the show went on for way longer than it needed to. He should've been caught 20 episodes ago.


Did anyone know Near's real name?


His real name is Nate River.


I think part of the problem was the wrap up. Duplicating an entire mystical death note in one day? That was way too far fetched and took from the logic of the whole series. That just seemed like a convenient and cheap way to end.

Plus the fact that the guy 'broke his pattern' going to the bank and them not telling the audience this was happening. Playing gotcha will hidden reveals is unfair to the audience who is trying to play along as detective. So this also adds to the dissatisfaction.


Then there was Near. Near was such a garbage replacement L character.

While I totally respect the balls of the anime for killing off L when they did. Totally unexpected, and total WTF moment. Instantly replacing him with an inferior L clone character was NOT the way to go.

We all knew Light would inevitably go down. But I feel a better way to go would have been Aizawa and Matsuda taking him in. Near didn't earn that, and I hate that Near was the one who brought him down.


He was shoot. However the ending was less intelligent than I wished for it to be.
