White folks give it a bad rating cuz they MAD

This was hilarious + educational

stop being so sensitive, if its funny .. *beep* it

I hope he does more shows cuz this dude is HILARIOUS





im white and i wasn't offended. i was just bored out of my mind cause he was so damn repetitive and bland with his material. paul is good at recognizing talent but he is boring as hell on the mic. the white people that walked out were probably going to watch a Louis CK or Chapelle dvd so they could laugh at a stand up comedian who was actually funny.


historically Jesus would've been middle eastern, so neither black nor white
but it's his message that matters, not the colour of his skin xD
if he ever existed at all mind you

Cleopatra however was of Macedonian decent, she even had that typical greek nose and everything so there's no way she could've been black :D
which brings me to the next question: is he serious about that or is it some sort of joke?

"Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow." O.W.

