White folks give it a bad rating cuz they MAD

This was hilarious + educational

stop being so sensitive, if its funny .. *beep* it

I hope he does more shows cuz this dude is HILARIOUS


seriously. u know he's funny, i wish more people would give him props


im white & think mooney is *beep* hilarious


Yes, he is hilarious.

But, I think you mean "cuz they'RE mad"


i think he actually meant "cuz they be all like mad and *beep* yo"

no really though, i'm white and i think he's one of the greatest speakers of our time. i gave it a 10.


no, really, bkh8bs...i think he actually meant "cuz they mad"
*beep* ay, dude...you are so, like, totally bogus...to correct YOUR interpretation, "yo" should've been in the front of the sentence and "cuz", in your context, really stands for "cousin".

however, you are forgiven, white person.


this was one of the funniest comedy shows i've ever seen. this man is a genious.


The guy speaks the truth and nothing but it....


I think so too. White people don't wanna hear it, so they tune it out with some psuedo-science mumbo-jumbo.

Yep. Another Blog.


I totally agree. Paul tells it like it is and doesnt sugar coat the truth for ANYONE. Certain white folks dont like that but IT IS WHAT IT IS and the TRUTH IS THE TRUTH! I appreciate Paul's candid yet educational humor. Sandra Bernhard was right...Paul is FUNNY & courageous!


I'm a "Mutt" (as most people are if they are honest with themselves! LOL) and I thought this was great.


Which white folks don't like it? The ones that think Jesus was Arab instead of black?

May I Mambo Dogface to the Banana Patch?


He speaks "the truth" if you want a distorted version of the truth.

His assertion that "everyone in this room has black in them... cause of slavery." Mooney seems to believe that, in the antebellum South, so many children were born as a result of white/black relations (be they consensual or otherwise) that, when those individuals began to intermarry, it resulted in virtually everyone in America ending up with some form of "black gene." Mr. Mooney seems to firmly believe this and delivers it as a solid truth in a seemingly solemn moment. He forgets, though, that many people in this country are more recent arrivals; my grandfather fled Poland following the rise of Nazis in Germany in the 1930s, and my great grandparents fled Russia at the dawn of Communism. In America they all lived in relatively closely knit Polish/Jewish communities and married within them. Now, this is not to say that, somewhere thousands of years up my genetic line, I don't have some black ancestry, because odds are I do, do to the prevalence of intermarriage between ancient Jews and Ethiopians. However, it is not "because of slavery." My family arrived here 150 years after the end of institutionalized slavery. However, Mr. Mooney conveniently ignores this fact for the sake of laying on what is supposed to be some sort of emotionally profound guilt trip.

Similarly, in getting a joke out of "The Mickey Mouse Club," he conveniently ignores that 99% of television shows in the 1950s featured all Caucasian casts, save for the occasional black celebrity guest start. If Mooney wanted to make a point about the lack of blacks on TV in the 50s, that's one thing; he singles out The Mickey Mouse club and accuses it of singular racism when, in the time period it was shown, it was simply following the norm. Mooney also ignores the 1970s "New Mickey Mouse Club," which featured an "integrated" cast, as well as the 1990s revival, which also featured minorities.

To be honest, I missed the segment on Jesus. I'm guessing, though, that Mooney didn't address the fact that by modern standards Jesus probably would've been considered biracial.


Speaking as a white guy, all I can say is this: Most white folks love being lampooned (generally speaking)about their "whiteness". I'm serious. Some of the funniest bits Pryor ever did was biting on white folks ("Marge and I are taking the kids to Connecticut this weekend" <insert stuffy WASP voice there). It's just fundamentally funny--whether it's Pryor, Chappelle, Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy--whoever. We just eat that sh*t up!!!

Mooney's a certified genius, and it's nice to see him getting some pub. Way overdue, I might add.


I agree Paul tells it like it and doesn't care what n e race thinks, he was givin' the NI%$A wake up call to everyone!!!!! LMAO!!!! And it was very educational and accurate!!!!!!!!!LMFAO People dont want to hear nor handle the truth!!!!!!!


This isn't a 'wake up' call, its called stupidity. As if it isn't bad that the public education in this country is on a fast train downward track as it is, lets take the fallacies of a comic and make them "real". Very sad indeed.


I'm white and I love Mooney...


Yet when white people tell the truth about black people, they are labeled racist.

Thank god white america does sugar coat it for the blacks. They have no sense of humor unless it is at the expense of another race or group of people.

Tell me, why is a black guy telling a white joke hilarious and courageous when a white guy telling a black joke is racist and evil?

Get off your high horses, racism is only funny if you're a racist.


Yes I'm so mad that he's funnier than any comedian I've seen in the last year or more. That's like me saying that all black people are funny because Paul Mooney is. But you're right, only white people can be racists.


As a white man, I could really care less what colour Jesus was. I don't know why someone has to make a movie about it???

Either way, can black folks make anything without saying something about "white folks"? Besides, if it weren't for white folks, rappers wouldn't have the money they do, black movies wouldn't have the audience they do, and so on. White kids buy more rap than anyone else. I am not sure why, but without the white kids and ignorant white morons who think Pual Mooney is a "genius", people like Paul Mooney be broke as ever.

So, with that said.. It's no wonder why movies like this don't do a damn thing since it attacks the audience of the majority. Face it "brothas" without whites, you ain't *beep*



The white house bid was the funniest thing. "are they done? -- good, we're gonna call it white house"

I don't get the whole problem with Jesus being black.
Europeans (I am one) portrayed Jesus in their own image as being white and sometimes with blue eyes because they considered themselves to be the Christian authority at the time. Why shouldn't black people do the same? Anyway, racism is not reserved to white people only, everybody is racist in one way or another, that's all Paul is saying. If we can laugh at each other, then not all is lost. And if you don't like it, just go to the beach : )
