MovieChat Forums > WarGames: The Dead Code (2008) Discussion > How dumb does Hollywood think we are..? ...

How dumb does Hollywood think we are..? Really!!?

I just saw the movie... Man... WTF was that..?
Anyone who's even the slightest well-versed about computer, and especially programmers, know that more than half of that graphical sh!t is'nt plausible / necesseary.

And what's with the realtime camera-tracking..? I mean the amount of CPU / RAM that it would take ANY supercomputer to recognice, even a face (And match it to a person (As paranoid as R.I.P.L.Y seems to be)) would be so incredibly massive it's just soo dumb it's impossible! Not to mention, after "recognicing" the face, 'she' (R.I.P.L.Y) masters lip-read.

Also, the time it would take, "if" she could recognice faces, to sort out all the people walking / driving by the cameras - It's just so damn lame! We're talking multi-core, multi- R.I.S.C- processors here with terrabytes of ram, all operating with insane bus- speeds. Then the hundreds, upon hundreds of cameras there must be 'out there', since every other one of those had a three digit number, and realtime- scanning them. Ok for a pre-designated area and non-populated areas (For the sake of recognition) it may work, but not with accuracy.
Today a computer may recognice a face, but that's from very near, so screw the old analogue crappy-ass-cameras with poor resolution (Which btw, the image looked very sharp in the movie! A flaw!).

Controlling trafic lights - Iiiiiii don't think so. They should be on a separate grid. Please feel free to correct me on this, I have no idea how it really works, but it's highly unlikely though...

Oh, there's so damn much that went so wrong with this movie.
I which I could have been one consultant and most of it wouldn't have happened!

Naa, off to bed here.. C ya...

"-For crying out loud..." *Jack O'Neill - Stargate SG1*


Never underestimate the intelligence of a population that put George Bush in power, and who just may very well elect Sarah Palin as president in 2012.

Yes my friend Hollywood, thinks we are very stupid and they have a very good reason to believe this.


Never underestimate the intelligence of a population that put George Bush in power, and who just may very well elect Sarah Palin as president in 2012.

If this happens I'd have to leave the country because they both were trying to get us all killed.

Dislike what UR viewing _what UR hearing _whatever's happening! U could go elsewhere or turn it off


This thread is so damn stupid. This movie is the very first to display text in prompts 'bottom->extend up', instead of the usual 'bottom->extend down'-fashion which we have used for like 100 years. If that isn't amazing i don't know what is.
