MovieChat Forums > My Life in Ruins (2009) Discussion > Wow, how unexpected, she's

Wow, how unexpected, she's

a greek doing a movie related to something greek.

Are all greeks so possessed with their heritage?


A lot of Greek-Americans are (not me in person, as a native Greek) but I am glad someone is finally projecting Greece and its people in Hollywood).

Our country is criminally underexposed, although since the successful Olympics in 2004 I do see this has started to change.

And remember most immigrants are eager to keep their heritage alive, just look at all those movies about Italian-Americans, or Chinese-Americans, and other ethnic groups. It is perfectly fine.

As for Nia's new film, I am really looking forward to see it. She may have had a string of bad luck, with Connie and Carla and that awful MBFGW spin-off TV series, but am convinced we still haven't seen the best of her.

-Goodnight, mother of six!
-Goodnight, father of two!


Yes we are obsessed with our culture .. didn't you see the movie???

Greeks think their culture is the best in the world... and being a Greek-American I tend to believe that too.. you can't help but be proud of a beautiful culture that you truly love is that so wrong ? ;)


Don't Jewish actors portray Jews most of the time as well?I see nothing bad about that.;)


No. All the movies and series that are filmed in greece for a greek audience have nothing to do with heritage.



I for one am GLAD she's doing another Greek movie. And I'm not Greek.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding was a great, funny film. Then, she went mainstream and did Connie and Carla which SUCKED. So why not go back to doing what she does best? She writes so well about the little quirks of her culture so well, I've been waiting since MBFGW for her to do another Greek movie.

I'm not sure what your criticism is.


Would someone ask Spike Lee why he makes so many movies about black people?


Exactly - same goes for Woody Allen and middle-class WASPs. It's a non-argument.

Thomas, if you is a mouse catcher, I is Lana Turner - which I ain't...


Middle-class WASPS? Have you ever seen a Woody Allen movie? If anything they're about upper class Jewish people.



a greek doing a movie related to something greek.
As unexpected as Americans doing movies related to something American...

I really need a new signature


Vardalos' comment on the greek immigrants (especially the children or the grandchildren of them) was very accurate in My Big Fat Greek Wedding.She even knows a lot about modern reek reality.Ofcourse she was exagerating at many points,but comedy always makes things look bigger-and funnier. Stereoytpical ethnic humour always has a starting point.
The thing is that seeing the preview of My Life In Ruins, she didn't make fun of modern Greeks (only),but stupid American tourists who want to buy religion symbols,or mistake every statue for Acropolis or prefer to go to Hard Rock Cafe instead of eating traditional greek food.Ofcourse, restaurants around Acropolis offer (most of them) awful and overpriced food.But explore the city you are visiting people.There are thousands little "tavernas" with GREAT food.I see stupid tourists all the time.They prefer to eat from McDonalds (by the way McDonalds was a big failure in Greece,noone eats from there,only tourists) instead of having a different experience for a change.


She is american of greek origin, so please refrain from idiotic blanket statements. Americans are always making dumb movies with "patriotic" references, does that mean that they are all obsessed with that kind of thing??



No, actually she is Canadian of Greek descent.


Last time I heard, Vardalos is Canadian.


Canadian of Greek origin to be specific !

"It's over now, the music of the night!"
