Saul of the Mole Men reminds me of that horrible episode of ATHF, where Frylock got cancer. Seriously when I thought Adult Swim couldn't possibly come out with a show worse than Super Milk Chan (Which wasn't funny in the least) they made this piece of crap which I can't find any reedeming qualities.


I had a room mate in college that would have loved this show, but then again, he was an idiot...


I had anal sex with a donkey and he didn't even like this show, but then again, he was a donkey...


Stupidest SHOW EVER..ever the voice of Shake (Dana Snyder) said he was looking forward to the Season Finale



Like anyone should care what the idiot thinks. He's as bad as Sarah Silverman. He's not funny, and his opinion is like a bullet to my head. Hurts so much to have it shoved in my brain.

I wasn't alive in the era of Land of the Lost. But I saw the reruns on Nick waaay back when. I loved the cheesiness of it all. I also like this show. It has potential, it just needs more. Just like Frisky Dingo, it has an interesting storyline.





I hate Saul of The Mole Men but saying ATHF and Milk Chan isn't funny than you have crossed the line!


you all have to leave ATHF out of this! it's been here since the VERY beginning, and that can only mean that the people like it. it's beyond me how everyone with a negative opinion found their way onto a webpage the internet that DOESNT involve the words "schoolgirl" and "tentacles."


Yeah, people are always talking about tentacles on this here interweb.


Man, it's amazing how many people are willing to post about things without any real knowledge of the subjects they comment on.

I can't stand a good half of the shows to come out of Williams Street lately. I'm with some of you on that. I actually found Saul (and it's spinoff) to just be unentertaining. Not terribly funny and obnoxious characters. Besides which, when did it become acceptable for there to be so many god awful live action shows on CARTOON Network. There's literally hundreds of other live action channels they could air on.

On the other hand, it seems most of the people who've posted here don't like ANYTHING that Williams Street has produced. Or at least, know nothing about it.

1.) Not liking rap is a preference, nothing more. You're not smarter, cooler, or anything of the sort if you don't like it. For that matter, open your eyes. Williams Street supports rap almost exclusively (they keep releasing free albums).

2.) Don't pan a show just because you don't like an episode. Watch more episodes. If you still don't like it, don't watch it. Doesn't make you a more discerning person, just because you like that and not this.

3.) Conversely, the dude who said to disregard someone else's opinion because they don't "understand Josh Gardner's writing" is an idiot. Not liking something doesn't mean you don't understand it. Those are two different things. Frankly, if Saul is a good example of Josh Gardner's writing, then perhaps he should consider a different trade. Woodworking, perhaps. I understand his writing completely. I just think it sucks.

And the same goes for Frisky Dingo and Assy McGee, tho I always laugh at Assy's car commercials, so there you go.

Seriously, it's just a 12 minute show on a late night CARTOON block. At the end of the day, why is it worth spending a year throwing insults around on a msg board?


Aqua Teen Hunger Force along with Metalocalypse, Robot Chicken and Moral Orel makes for some of the best televison ever.
I saw the pilot for "12 oz. Mouse". I really liked it, though I can see how some will hate it. "Saul Of The Mole Men" is "meh" for me.
