MovieChat Forums > The Duchess (2008) Discussion > What were they thinking?!

What were they thinking?!

My adult son and I went to the movie. There was a woman there with a 5 year old little boy. At one point, when the theater was very quiet, you heard a little voice say "Mommy, why is that man taking that lady's dress off?"

I'm seeing that more and more. Because the adult wants to see the movie they bring their children to movies that are NOT appropriate for little children.

I would rather stay home than subject my child to something they could not appreciate /understand.



People like you "humanophobia" get on my nerves with your condescending, arrogant attitudes. Who are you to say when someone else's child should and shouldn't learn about sex???? You teach your kids when you want to know about it and let them raise their kids their way. Not everyone who isn't exposed to sex at an early age winds up with an unhealthy attitude towards sex,they don't all get STD's,they don't all go out and rape people, they don't all give birth to out of wedlock children, they don't grow up to be ignorant, immature nor do the have unhealthy attitudes about sex.For crying out loud, when did the act of preserving a child's innocence convict him to an adulthood that is destined to be filled with many hours of psycho therapy because he didn't have sex shoved into his face during his childhood???

If you want to walk around naked,take your kids to "R" rated sex filled movies and have sex in front of your kids..have at it. Why not just buy them a collection of porn--after all is filled with plenty of nudity and sex.But please get off your high horse. Let people raise their own children the way they see fit. Some people are born with morals and values they don't believe in flailing their sexuality in everyone's face. It's just crass. There is a time and a place for everything and a 5 year old at a movie a where there is visual sex, audible sex and visual rape is just plain WRONG!!!! SEX IS CONSENTING ADULTS NOT INNOCENT LITTLE CHILDREN.


we live in a society where parents care more for their own needs and desires than the needs of their children. A 50% divorce rate would seem to affirm this.

Civil and topical debate -



I agree that I was a little startled by the amount of sex and nudity in this movie - after the DVD was finished I had to check again to make sure I hadn't misread it; that it really was a 12 rather than a 15. Hmmm. Not sure I would have come to the same decision myself...

I mean, when I was five/six years old my Granny had to take me out of a movie theater because I got too scared. And which movie were we watching? James and the Giant Peach - hardly a horror, I'm sure you'll agree. Parents who would take kids that age to see a movie like this one (so clearly intended for adults) must need their heads seeing to...

"Do you want it?" YES, Jareth!


Yeah, my mom watched a lot of graphic movies when I was young and I was allowed in the room so I saw all or large parts of the movie. I guess you could say I was scarred, but I'm not some sort of sexual deviant. I mean, I didn't really understand anything about sex until I was like, twelve. I always knew what sex was, but not how it worked.

Sometimes, I wish I was a ho.


That mother was incredibly selfish. Quite apart from the sex scenes being inappropriate, there was nothing in this movie that would be remotely interesting to a 5-year-old boy.

Which is a good thing. This is not a children's movie.


I'm really on the fence on this issue. I think that if we want to raise our children in a healthy way, we shouldn't teach them that sex is this mysterious forbidden thing, because then when the get older they'll probably have all kinds of strange ideas that stem from ignorance and misinformation, not to mention a desire to find out for themselves what this weird sex thing is after all. It's like saying "Don't go into that forbidden room!!" Do you really think the child isn't going to be curious after that? On the other hand, part of what's great about being a kid is being naive about certain fundemental aspects of life, be they pleasant to think about or not.

Having said all that, would I take a 5-yr old to see this movie? No, but that's because a 5-yr old would probably be bored more than anything else. The way I see it, if a kid is MENTALLY old enough to appreciate and enjoy a film like this (they see a clip and say "that looks neat" or whatever) then maybe they are old enough to understand the rest as well. I don't have children, but I would feel like a pretty irresponsible parent if I showed them a film full of pretty dresses but didn't take the time to explain the nature of adult relationships. That doesn't mean that you have to explain every aspect of the rape or the bastard children for example, but I think to leave a kid in the dark because your own fear of discussing reality is something to be reconsidered.


Kid's movie ticket: $9
Babysitter for kid for 3 hours: $30.

Cheaper to take them. Parents don't care.


