MovieChat Forums > The House Next Door (2006) Discussion > OMG her lips!! EWWWWW!!!!!!!

OMG her lips!! EWWWWW!!!!!!!

Lara Flynn Boyle, She had her lips done. She looks so stupid! You know when you go to the dentist and when your mouth has been numbed you bite down on your lips and they swell? Well that is what she looks like now! Someone needs to let her know how retarded she looks. Gross!!!!



"The Lips Next Door That Killed Me" roflmao - brilliant!

I love the comments - more entertaining than watching Ms Flynn-Boyle and her puffy cow-poisoned face onscreen.

Don't these women who use botox and the like ever look at themselves in the mirror????? Don't they realize how ghastly they look? Don't their husbands and boyfriends tell them?!

I don't care how warped your self-image is, no one can possibly they think they look better with puffy paralysed facial bits.




Yeah....I'm sure all of you here are really eye catching. She looked fine.


I'll tell you this....I'd love to kiss them.


I always think girls with lips like that hot even if they look unnatural. Anybody got any pictures of her from this movie?


they would probably POP if you did!!!


i tried to watch this movie the other day. i have the book and i liked it but i couldn't sit through this garbage. her lips were distracting and the acting was horrendous! she looks like someone punched her in the mouth.
duck lips indeed.

you're wearing fish boots.


I'm actually trying to watch this movie as we speak and her lips are very distracting...I can't even concentrate on what is being said. She was so pretty and had very pretty lips to begin she looks all freaky like Meg Ryan...or Kenny Rogers! haha!



I'm pretty sure no-one above the age of 4 'needs' to tell anyone s/he looks 'retarded'.

Maybe it's because I'm not interested in women, but I can't say I found her lips at all distracting. They were, well, lips.


She looks as bad as Lisa Rinna...or Priscilla Presley. Yikes! If it's temporary, how come Lisa R. has stayed like that for so long? Surely she or Harry Hamlin can't think she looks GOOD?!


Oh my the movie should have been titled "The Lips Next Door That Killed Me".

hahaha that was great!! :)


She should've got something injected into her body. lol

Clark's destiny = Superman, Lex Luthor & Lois Lane.


It usually is a temporary procedure that will go back if they will get a clue and JUST STOP DOING IT!!!!

And, yes she looks awful I can't think of anyone it looks good on. If it aint broke, why fix it??


Watching this movie right now on the horror channel, and just had to come on here to see who else was majorly distracted by the horrendous lips.
WHY do people do this to their faces? The top lip is not meant to be bigger than the bottom one, it throws off the harmony of the face and just ends up looking ridiculous. It totally distracted from the dialogue at times and she cannot even move parts of her face! Looked like a 4 year old having a permanent temper tantrum pout.
Why they cast this actress is a mystery. She looks like a fish out of water (literally).

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge - Bertrand Russell


Her lips just look like lips to me. There was nothing distracting about them. If she didn't do the collagen or botox or plastic surgery or whatever, this thread wouldn't be about her lips. It would be about how old she looks. Seems like most actresses listed in this site who are over 30 all have a thread going on their message board about how old or how bad they look--like they are expected to look 20 forever. The public puts pressure on them to be perfect all the time. It's an unrealistic expectation.

GG's-Sophia: ". . .my dear husband Sal, may he rest in peace until I get there. . ."


I didn't really notice her lips. I was too distracted by her terrible acting.


For once I really have to agree... she looks like some pics I've had the misfortune to see of a certain Ms. Lohan. Ugh.


The thing I don't get is these women have money; surely they could afford higher quality results. However Boyle's lips are not the only problem in this good-but-should-have-been-better adaptation of a really scary novel: for a start, I find her miscast although to be fair, Anne Rivers Siddons never gave a detailed physical description of Colquitt except to note that she had a good enough figure to look good in skin-tight jeans. Boyle just was not what I pictured when I read the book.

Her performance doesn't help matters either. She underplays almost to the point of appearing comatose for a good half of the picture, though at one point when she is sitting at her easel sort of staring off into space I had the impression that we the audience were supposed to take it as the effect the house was having on her. Hard to say, but she starts off so low-energy that there's pretty much nowhere to take the character.

Never mess with a middle-aged, Bipolar queen with AIDS and an attitude problem!
roflol ><


I can't really tell because the tv is across the room from me right now, so I can't see well, but I will say I didn't recognize her at all and wouldn't have if I didn't come here and see her name.

Fiction is a lie, and good fiction is the truth inside the lie.--Stephen King
