MovieChat Forums > Timber Falls (2008) Discussion > Demonizing hillbillies and believers...

Demonizing hillbillies and believers...

My wife's side of the family have some pretty backwood folk, not hillbillies, but Georgian and Floridian country folk. I've met many, many people through them and my own family has country folk in Kansas, and none of them are psycho, serial killers. They are good people who would do nothing but help a person if they were in trouble. They are not religious nuts that go around judging people and making them "atone" for sins of the flesh. Why do movies always have to make hillbillies out to be the worst kind of sadistic rapists and murderers. Most of these people are salt of the earth, kind people who would open their home up to someone in need.

Why is it that filmmakers love to rail on people of faith, people who are patriotic? As if being spiritual and a patriot makes someone a monster. It just makes me sick that the only time you see religious or patriotic people is when they are the psycho killer in a horror movie.

All you have to do is look at the rate of crime. In small towns, it's minimal, in big cities it is enormous. Backwood country folk are good people. Sure, they have some bad seeds, but the grand majority are nice, kind, loving people.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


Poor whites (especially rural ones) are a socially acceptable target, unfortunately. I grew up poor and rural and I actually have heard a professor say that white people are only poor by choice so it's ok to mock that.
