It dropped a rating!

It went from a Solid 7 to a 6.9 :(
I don't understand, if anything it deserves an 8, not on the top 250 but definitely an 8, did it go down because people kept rating it a 1?


Who cares about imdb's rating... Horror movies in particular, even the excellent ones, never had a decent rating over here.

" I've come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubble gum "


Yep, it did. I'm one of those who rated it a 1 because it's so insipid, just like every home invasion horror made post-1993.

I'm surprised to see this below average attempt at being a torture porn is rated higher than REAL horror movies like Friday The 13th (1980) or Shock (1977) or A Bay of Blood (1971).


What's really insipid is self-proclaimed "film" buffs insisting on putting dates after every movie they mention. Like you want everyone to know how much you know. I understand doing it for remakes, etc. But come on.


Out of those three movies, only "A Bay of Blood" is any good. "Shock" is a piece of crap and "Friday the 13th" is just a mediocre remake of "A Bay of Blood". I like "Inside" better than all three though.


How is Friday the 13th a remake of A bay of Blood? Because some kills are similar? Er, the premise of F13 is wholly different from ABOB to be called a remake. A rip-off, maybe, but not a remake.

Cool if you like Inside more than all three. Two years on and I still think what an overrated bore Inside is compared to 3 legit classics.

P.S: Only 2 French horror movies I'd consider a classic, none was made before the year 1960 and after the year 1997.


I saw it. A thing that was cold and dry. It was me. - La Belle Noiseuse


Just curious why do you use 1993 as a cut-off date? Is there some film you recommend from that period?


For me 1993 is the year where the last watchable home invasion film was released (When a Stranger Calls Again).

From pre-1993, I'd recommend Black Christmas (1974) and When a Stranger Calls (1979).


My Top 500 Favorite Films (in-progress):


Should drop to an 6. Can't believe that people actually find this is 8 worthy... The beginning was good. But the biggest part of the movie with the cops who by change happen to be retarded is just plain stupid. Meh.

’’I'M A ‘‘


I gave it a 3. Hopefullly that will help bring it closer to the proper rating.


I wanted to be nice and give a 3. But I just couldn't. It's too amateurish and actually is an insult to the audience. Hence the 2. And still I was being lenient.


I don't understand, if anything it deserves an 8



-8 maybe. One of the all time stupidest movies I've ever seen.
