MovieChat Forums > Phineas and Ferb (2007) Discussion > Pop culture jokes for the older viewers.

Pop culture jokes for the older viewers.

To get this thread started off:

In the parade episode when the balloons are released to save Buford from falling, the bunch of floating balloons gets the attention of fighter pilots who just have to come check it out. 99 Luftballoons reference.

Cool is irrelevant. I'm over 40.


And of Course "Lindanno" and her hit "I just want to have fun" is a reference to Madonna and Cyndi Lauper.

And now I feel old.


In the most recent episode where the Flynn-Fletchers take a road trip and the boys build a No Stop Truck Stop on top of the RV...

When Doof and Perry fight for control of Doof's truck, it is a move-for-move parody of Indiana Jones fighting with the boss Nazi, from "Raiders of the Lost Ark" during the Desert Truck Chase.

The real gag is Perry tries to throw Doof through the windshield like the Nazi did Indy... But it doesn't break and Doof's face is just smooshed up against it multiple times - LOL


To add to the RV episode references. They are making a reference to songs such as Convoy and pretty much everything Red Sovine sang the song heard on the radio when Mom and Dad are driving sounds a little like Red Sovine's Teddy Bear in tone even though the lyrics are very different. Also the Track 3 Dad describes sounds like a description of a scene from the movie Convoy which is based on a great trucker song.

And including the movie in this section the alternate dimensions is a bit like Sliders although the concept has been in a lot of Science Fiction so that might not count.


2nd Dimension was chock full of them. There was a montage with the Doof's as Fred and Ginger, Ralph and Norton from the Honeymooners, Laurel and Hardy, the Lone Ranger and Tonto, Lennon and McCartney, Lyle and Chuck from Ishtar (maybe...not 100% on that one) and quite a few more.

My very favorite was near the end though. Irving is wearing the bottom half of The Beak costume, standing on a pile of smashed Normbots and yells "Wolverines"! A reference to Red Dawn. Family Guy had a similar reference, where during one of his flashbacks, Peter was in "Red Dawn, The Musical" and singing a song about the Wolverines. I wonder if Povenmire was behind that as well?


Got another one from the movie. I thought when Alternate Candace was broke out of jail the dialogue between her and Jeremy was similar to dialogue from Terminator but its been awhile so not completely sure.


From the movie as well: right at the very end, when they're about to use the Amnesia-inator, Doofenschmirtz is tied up just like Hannibal Lecter in that famous "Silence of the Lambs" scene.


I read a few replies that mentioned "adult jokes." Remember that these guys worked on Rocco's Modern Life, which was really dirty with not-so-subtle adult jokes.

As far as references, I might have missed this entry, but there's an episode where Jeremy's mom is reading the manual to a tranquilizer gun she's about to use on Candace (who's covered in hair, so she looks like an orangutang), she reads aloud "there are many like it, but this one's yours."

Pretty cool.

"Anyone can hurt anyone. Haven't you realized that?"


This could be a reference to the anti-war movie Platoon. It is something actually said to military recruits as they get their weapons. They have to repeat the mantra: "This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine!"


Also reference to Kubrick's "Full Metal Jacket".And,yes we did repeat that mantra in basic!!!


In the Hawaii-Episode, there's a reference to Lord of the rings, when Candace tries to get rid of the charm.
"We need to get on top of that volcano and throw it in!"
Well, along with them actually doing it^^


In "Curse of Candace" they made a reference to "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" when it was mention that Dad was watching a monster movie. It showed him complaining about there being no rock music. Nice reference since Riff-Raff plays Dad.



I just LOOOOOOVE the pop culture references. I think I would appreciate them more if I had engaged in some pharmaceutical substances......


Either I am too young to know these or I just don't pay enough attention. Thanks for all these references though. I need to pay more attention when watching Phineas and Ferb.


In the remains of the platypus during the song about perrys hat, Forrest Gump makes a brief cameo appearance.
