MovieChat Forums > Diary of the Dead (2008) Discussion > Rank Romero's Dead Series From Best To W...

Rank Romero's Dead Series From Best To Worst

I'm only including Romero's original films, no remakes.

1. Dawn of the Dead
2. Night of the Living Dead
3. Day of the Dead
4. Land of the Dead
5. Diary of the Dead
6. Survival of the Dead

"Hee hee hee...quit touching my junk, pervert"!
Tickle Me Bender- Futurama


I would say that they do come in the order that they were all released in that been:
1. Night Of The Living Dead
2. Dawn Of The Dead
3. Day Of The Dead
4. Land Of The Dead
5. Dairy Of The Dead
6. Survival Of The Dead

I think George should definately get credited with a few episodes of The Walking Dead soon as well, if there was any director that deserved to get in on The Walking Dead it is Romero.

"I shall accomplish your task... with magnificence". Shinzaemon Shimada


1 Day
2 Dawn
3 Night
4 Land
5 Diary
6 Survival

Love the man's earlier stuff but he's lost the way and the more he does the more he just looks like a stupid, talentless old hippie who just got lucky a couple of times.


Romero's done that already. Each progressive sequel after Dawn has been worse than the previous.


1. Dawn of the Dead
2. Night of the Living Dead
3. Day of the Dead
4. Diary of the Dead
5. Land of the Dead
6. Survival of the Dead


1. Dawn
2. Night
3. Day
4. Diary
5. Land
6. Survival

Communism was just a red herring.




Night of the Living Dead
Day of the Dead
Dawn of the Dead
Land of the Dead
Diary of the Dead
Survival of the Dead


1. Day of the Dead. Few movies have made me feel so lonely as Day of the Dead. The zombies have taken over, the few survivors are struggling and the world is empty except for flesh eating zombies. Best zombie movie ever made in my opinion.

2. Dawn of the Dead. Interesting setting, great characters, great story.

3. Night of the Living Dead. Classic and ground breaking. However, it hasn't aged well at all. Some of the acting is worse than a cheesy day time opera. With better actors and slightly improved script the movie would have aged better. People holding it in a very high regard are only doing so in terms of the impact it has had. Overall a good to great movie that has aged terribly.

4. Land of the Living Dead. Good zombie movie but doesn't feel anything like the old trilogy.

5. Survival of the Dead. Terrible CGI starts off the movie and you know it's going to be pretty bad. Overall not a bad zombie movie when compared to other zombie movies as most zombie movies usually are terrible but this one is bearable (though when put in relation to good movies in other genres, it stinks).

6. Diary of the Dead. By far the worst Romero movie. The social commentary is so over the top and thrown in your face (I like the social commentary in the older movies) and the characters are by far the worst he's ever written - stupid as *beep* and annoying. Survival and Diary are both not good movies and why I have Diary at the bottom is simply because I can't stand the characters. Yuck.

Haven't watched Romero's zombie movies in several years now so time to take another look to see if Day still is the best one and if Diary is worse than Survivor and if they both are as *beep* as when I first watched them.
