It has to be said: WTF!?!

Okay, I'm a big fan of CG films. Really, I go out to see most of them on opening night, I recommend them to friends and family, and there've been a couple that I didn't like.

That said, Hoodwinked is quite simply the absolute worst one I have EVER seen. I mean absolutely terrible. We tried for thirty minutes to watch this thing, but we just couldn't submit ourselves to the pain any longer. We're talking awful.

And the sales were bad too. I remember the figures, it didn't last more than a week or two in the theatres, the DVD wasn't much better.

So... Why on earth is there a sequel? Who could possibly have greenlighted this? And why aren't investors running for the hills? There's no possible way that this could generate a return on the money being put into it. After all, how often does a movie sequel make up for such a shoddy start?

I really hope this one finds it's way over to development hell and is never unleashed on theatregoers. Trite, humorless products like this push people away from animation titles, and hurt the genre as a whole.


I see where the OP is coming from, Hoodwinked had a different style to most other CG films around at the time of it's release, so if you were expecting something like them then you'd be dissapointed.

Saying that, I found Hoodwinked's style and humor refreshing. It was a really fun movie with some nice touches.

I'm looking forward to this sequel, I just hope that it doesnt get too "Hollywoodized" and keeps it edginess


Most people who complain about the animation didn't realize that it was supposed to look like that ... the creative team was going for a stop-animation look (their inspiration was the Rudolph holiday tv show) I think it worked and worked well!

Now about it not being funny ... to that I have to say "WTF"! I saw it in the theater and thought it was so funny I ended up buying the DVD! I thought it was so original with the different versions of the same story - I especially LOVED how in one story something didn't make any sense at all but then it was all cleared up by someone else's version of what happened. ("Use the hood, Red!") But you don't know about any of that because you didn't bother actually watching the whole film.

Not funn?! ... thanks for YOUR opinion, but please, in the future don't try to state your opinions as fact.


I personally hated hoodwinked because i thought it lacked heart, was just a very caustic way of telling a story and had an almost made-for-tv quality about it. Most of the jokes were dull and predictable (extreme-sports granny ANYONE?) littered with movie-references and dodgy schtick, the cgi looked really bad, with models that wouldnt have passed muster in a video game from 2005 and sloppy animation all over the place.

I watched the whole thing from start to finish and, because i was curious about who could have made such an animated abortion of tasteless whimsy, i watched the 'making of'. Now, i'm not saying these are bad people, these are animators after all, people who dared to dream and have committed their lives to the craft (My kind of people) but go and look at their original character designs; THEY CANT DRAW!

I heard a story about John Lasseters takeover of disney last week where he told everybody who couldnt draw to "leave now, as there is no place for you here". I hope its true.

SO, in conclusion, hoodwinked is bad for SO MANY REASONS and, incidentally, the argument of "thats your opinion, dont state it as fact" is ridiculous, of course its my opinion, your rebuttal was YOUR opinion, nobody here is going to be swayed far enough into having surgical opinion replacement here, you'd have more luck convincing potatoes to tapdance.


Don't say it's horrible/awful if you have no proof to back up your insults. Also, if you only watched thirty minutes, you really can't say it's horrible since you watched barely 1/3 of the movie.

"This ship simply doesn't have the capability to dial Earth." -Rush (SG.U)


I'm also really looking forward to this sequel. HW was so hilarious and refreshing plus it's one of these movies were you are first puzzled but than if you eventually see all stories you see all pieces of the jigsaw coming together just like 11:14 which is also a favourite of mine.

I'm 30+ and I have a nephew of 11 who really loves it too.


"We tried for thirty minutes to watch this thing" that's where I stopped reading. Mate the thing is that when you're with people their reactions can effect your own and makes this entire thing void in my opinion.


LOL @ "trite" and "humorless"... XD

seems we've got one of those cases of "it's gotta be glitzy and polished and shiny or it's crap" arguments. I bet you probably wouldn't give a damn about the story if it looked shoddy to you, haha.

sure, Hoodwinked is a CGI that looks lackluster when put alongside animated films done by Disney/Pixar, but that doesn't mean it sucked big-time. It was just under-budgeted, but it's still a great film for reasons other than its graphics. The twist on the stories remind me a lot of Roald Dahl's own version of Little Red Riding Hood (which is much, much more kick-ass than this Red), and cool stuff like that are always good in my book. It's actually funny, although it's a play on the detective genres which makes it interesting, since it keeps you guessing what happens next (I mean, we all know how the stories are supposed to go, but then we saw what happened when they Hoodwinked it).

as far as i'm concerned, i'm hyped now that Hoodwinked has a kick-ass sequel. I just hope they really give Red lotsa crazy action scenes, lol.


Not long to wait now, for the movie.


I too love CG films. But Hoodwinked made me angry. It was painfully awful. And the title of the sequel, "Hood vs. Evil" further fuels the anger. Reminds me of "Tale of Two Kitties."


if something like this makes you angry youve got serious issues.


So true!
It's a flipping cartoon!
It seems to me that the original poster must have been dumped by his girlfriend or something while watching the movie. So now he goes on a rampage every place he can about how evil this movie is. No wonder she broke up with him. :P


Hoodwinked was an original concept of a film, which made it so much more appealing than the usual Disney offering(not bashing Disney), the plot was off-the-wall, but this is what made it unique, the humor was aimed at older folks-not on a level with small children-perhaps this is what bugged handsom, yes it would be a dissapointment to small kids, but honestly, if it had any faults-it was the advertising of it. While it was not a commercial success at it's initial release it has gained a fan following enough so to warrant a sequel. The one thing I always say to folks who are negative about a particular film(myself included), is the bottom line-don't see it if you do not like it, and if you paid for a film that after you start watching it-go to theater manager and ask for refund or another film-i have done this a couple times. Anyone else reading this thread taht has not seen Hoodwinked-if you like some odd, humorous animated films-then see this, if you are getting it for young children to watch-maybe not(not that it is offensive, or bad in anyway), the humor is aimed for older kids and up.

"It's the stuff that dreams are made of."


Which is so weird. I found it to be aimed directly at children.


I loved "Hoodwinked". I thought it was creative and interesting.

But I must display my ingnorance here. It was in 3D? I don't remember it being in 3D. It was out before the current 3D craze that seems to be going on. Did I miss something?


Firefly69, the film is not 3-D. I think the posters mean CGI animation instead of hand-drawn cell animation (which is mistakenly labeled as 2D).

Like you, I love "Hoodwinked" (as my signature line might suggest). I like it in part because it is low budget with somewhat cheesy animation (which I think was partially intended, much like "South Park" or other animated TV shows). It is quite sarcastic, as well. But what I really like is it alludes to so many different movies, which makes it enjoyable to watch, especially for someone like me who teaches film courses (that is part of the appeal of the "Shrek" films, too).

First, it is a clever homage to Kurosawa's "Rashomon," with the different versions of the story (also paying slight homage to Tex Avery's take on "Red Riding Hood"). "Hoodwinked" also alludes to the wonderful "Thin Man" screwball comedy/mysteries with its detective named Nicky who has a little dog (which, in this case, can take notes). References to numerous other films from different time periods and genres are strewn throughout (from "White Heat" to "A Christmas Story" and points in-between). Jokes abound and the songs are clever as well. It takes some cliched elements (the detective gathering everyone around, an unlikely villain, etc.) and plays with them. It isn't a great film, but it is a fun film, at least for those of a certain mind-set (and maybe a certain age). It is so much fun for us that we see it often and see something new everytime.

Those who don't like it or that think it is a bad film are entitled to their opinions, although I would agree that someone who only saw 30 minutes can't really make a fair assessment of the film. Meanwhile, we are looking forward to the sequel, and only hope it can keep the same level of smart-a*s humor.

"Never trust a bunny"


"Hoodwinked is quite simply the absolute worst one I have EVER seen. I mean absolutely terrible. We tried for thirty minutes to watch this thing, but we just couldn't submit ourselves to the pain any longer. We're talking awful. "

30 minutes was probably enough to figure out what sort of movie Hoodwinked is, I think. But it makes me sad and puzzled if 30 minutes of this movie didn't have enough redeeming quality to interest said viewer in watching more, or finding anything positive to write. I kind of doubt there was any chance a movie like this could get a fair shake from a reviewer like this in the first place.


"And the sales were bad too. I remember the figures, it didn't last more than a week or two in the theatres, the DVD wasn't much better. "

And that's just factually inaccurate. It was barely edged out at the box office by something from Disney, and it held in the top ten all month. Someone else already pointed out the massive profits it generated from its miniscule production budget (and an inside source actually confirmed the budget numbers to be substantially lower than the 15m IMDB estimate)


Verdict: Trolling Fail. Special thanks to haters who actually use accurate information and logical explanations in their arguments.


I would imagine that everyone can agree with me on saying that Shrek was NOTHING like Rashomon (which Hoodwinked is very much like).

I can also imagine that you more than likely don't understand the TV show "Better Off Ted"? or maybe "Arrested Development"?

I suggest you watch it again....and to the end and see how the story unfolds.

-=1000 travel books are not equal to 1 real trip=-


ohh, now I have to look for this "better of Ted" thingy


Way to not post again in your own retarded thread handsomedan-1...crawled back where you came from I assume?

"Love Guru was both intelligent and fun." - urban_achiever1991


This is maybe the funniest movie I've ever seen.
