MovieChat Forums > Persuasion (2008) Discussion > Penry-Jones' Wentworth

Penry-Jones' Wentworth

It's strange, but I don't think Rupert Penry Jones is handsome at all. He looks too cold. Some people don't like P95 because the actors are not very atractive and they look too old. I personally love that version. Ciaran Hinds may not be a good-looking man, but his performance melted me. I believe him, you know?

In short, what I wanted to say is that one of the (many, many) reasons I don't like this version is poor Penry-Jones' looks.

Does anyone think like me? Is it his acting, or am I that shallow?

Annie, from Argentina


A few years back, I was visiting my sister, and she insisted on turning on the dvd of this version of Persuasion, in part because she was just so taken with the guy playing Captain Wentworth. I have to admit, I couldn't see why she was so taken by him, but to each his own.


Several years late but I have to agree with your comment on Ciaran Hinds--I love ANYTHING he is in. Have you seen Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day? You'll love him in that (if you can stand how giddy and silly they had Amy Adams play her part). But I also loved Wentworth in this version too. But then I love anything Jane Austen.


One of my favorite films!! Even Amy Adams is terrific. Socks!!


Well apparently someone thought he could do the "cold" look...he was cast as St John in a Jane Eyre version.


I loved him in this. He is the sort of person that grows on you. At the beginning i thought yeah he's not too bad and by the end of it I was mesmerized. Great actor as well. I wouldn't mind doing that kissing scene with him.


I find him to be incredibly handsome. In fact, he was the only reason I could stand this dreadfull adaptation.


Handsome but oh so wooden....and yes, it really was dreadful.


I love his portrayel of Wentworth. Dont understand the hate for this version either. This is my favorite.


Here is a thread dedicated to all the "hate" for this version:


I don't know if it's his partially his fault, but I am sure the biggest problem with this Wentworth is the writing. He is given nothing but anger and bitterness making him not only one-dimensional, but also ruining his character to the degree where he becomes undeserving of Anne's love. It's like the screen-writer copied Darcy but forgot to give him redemption. Actually, I take that back. Even at his worst, Mr. Darcy was not as severe as this Wentworth.
