MovieChat Forums > The Kids Are All Right (2010) Discussion > Kids need both a male and a female paren...

Kids need both a male and a female parent or role model.

Gay couples, alone mothers, alone fathers or parents with at very feminin father or masculin mother. It's all the same. If the kids don't get influence from both the masculin and feminin, they end up psychological screwed in some way or another. Of course you could argue for a very masculin mother/father with a very feminim mother/father, but that would have to be a mother/father that are extremely maculing/feminin to the point where you could hardly detect the other side in the person and that's far from the case in many of these relationships. If they have gay parents or if the mother/father is alone, at least let a member of the opposite sex have some influence. It could be a friend, Family member or the kids biological dad/mom(like in this movie... Fact is, every kid needs both.

I liked this film, right untill Mark Ruffalo character gets labeled as the bad guy. Was this directed/written by a lesbian, because the writer/directors bias shines through to the point where i just thought "wow this person is delusional"... Basicly every main character gets unlikeable after that, except for maybe the daughter. And it didn't help that we didn't even got a closure for Mark Ruffalo's character who more or less was the only likeable character left despite his actions.

These biased movies where the writer/director tries to make a point, but just ends up embarrassing themself and making themself look like close minded delusional idiots just gets on my nerve. They make a almsot great movie with a great idea, great story, great acting and just screws it all up with a horrible ending, because they tried to make some stupid point that is only true in their own head and other people head who are just as biased. The same could almost be said about Ricky Gervais "The Invention of Lying", great idea, but to much focus on his own biased beliefs.



On a somewhat related note, I think Ruffalo's was the most likable character of the film.


Agree with you that children ideally have a mother and father, feminine and masculine respectively, in the home, but I don't think this movie was unfair to Ruffalo's character. Sure, we could say that Julie was as much to blame as him for the affair, but of course a family, a couple, is going to close ranks around those inside the circle. Ruffalo had been a complete stranger to them, and despite being the biological parent to the two kids, had absolutely no ties to anyone. The movie depicted both of the guilty parties as being racked with guilt and regret, but only one of them was ever going to get a second chance. It made sense for it to be Julie.
