MovieChat Forums > The Kids Are All Right (2010) Discussion > The Kids are All Right, Thanks to Paul.

The Kids are All Right, Thanks to Paul.

Let's observe the redeeming character qualities of Paul and the positive impact he had on his biological childrens' lives.

1. He provided Nic and Jules the chance to conceive a boy and girl, giving the Children an opportunity to live by donating his sperm in the first place. He could have kept it to himself. Then where would the kids be? They wouldn't be alright, they'd be non-existent. Or worse, Nic and Jules obtain sperm from a different donor, a man named Pervus Elkroy who lied about his health history and becomes a con-man drug dealer. Those kids pursue that father and the $h!t hits the fan when Jules bones Pervus after sampling his strawberry kush bud, Pervus murders Nic, puts Joni out to trick and teaches Laser about the dope game. Suddenly, Paul's sperm looks pretty good right about now doesn't it? Although Pervus Elkroy would have made for a more interesting movie IMO.

2. Paul enters the children's lives only after THEY INVITE HIM IN. He was never imposing or pre-judging (like Nic had a tendancy to be), and he never tried to push his beliefs onto them. He quickly became a father on-call, something I'd say he adjusted to quite well because their was a mutual appreciation for the new dynamic Paul provided as a fatherly figure.

2a. Paul helps Laser understand self-respect and restraint and avoiding the "tools" like Klay, therefore giving Laser a new direction in life. Something Nic and Jules alone couldn't properly identify. They thought he was gay. In fact, they actually tell him straight faced they wished he was gay because according to their distorted rationale, gay = sensitive. Lame and very misguided.

2b. Paul respectfully helps Joni understand her overbearing Alpha parental unit Nic in the gardening scene, which led to her embracing of freedom on the motorcycle, and gives her a real taste of independence. Something Nic and Jules couldn't provide, and in NIc's case, forbidden.

3. Paul gives Jule's confidence in her profession, something she admits wasn't available from Nic. Something else Nic couldn't do was make sex-inducing strawberry rhubarb. If only Paul wasn't so irresponsible with his strawberry rhubarb recipe as to give it to a weak woman like Jules, innevitably making her crave the male reproductive organ to penetrate her mercilessly. Damn you Paul, you should have known better! That strawberry rhubarb gets the best of those weak lesbian women.

4. Paul's lifestyle is simple, with a respectable profession in co-op local farming and restraunt owner. He certainly doesn't appear to be the type of person looking to take advantage of others like a shady banker, attorney, or Pharmaceutical rep. He really appeared to be a leading a decent life.

5. Paul breaks off his relationship with Tanya as his feelings for Jules grow stronger. His tendancy towards mongomy is based on starting a family, even though it isn't truly his family, he's showing respect towards Tanya and Jules by dedicating himself to one woman.

6. Even though he knows he's going to be labled the bad guy, Paul desperately pleas for ongoing communication with the kids. And despite his positive impact, he is forced to accept they don't want him around, because apparently he's the one who didn't respect their family...even though they sought him out, Jules made the move on him, and he simply went with the flow...he's got to accept this as reality. A truly idiotic reality, but reality none of the less.

The only character flaw that handcuffed Paul setting him up for an ambush later was when Paul expressed disinterest of teams or team sports. To basically imply in foreshadowing effect that he has no respect for the team concept, or in this case, families. That set him up to fail. His poorly timed gesture towards Laser that took form in the shape of an awkward smile after his confrontation with Nic made him seem disrespectful and childish when in all actuality he's really a cool guy with great potential as a father. Unfortunately, that isn't the reality this psycho family wants for itself. Paul, the kids are all right because of you!


Paul enters the children's lives only after THEY INVITE HIM IN. He was never imposing or pre-judging (like Nic had a tendancy to be), and he never tried to push his beliefs onto them. He quickly became a father on-call, something I'd say he adjusted to quite well because their was a mutual appreciation for the new dynamic Paul provided as a fatherly figure.

Yes, I do think Paul was actually a pretty good father and its great that he wanted to be involved with their lives. But, I can't hate on Nic much. These are her children and she felt jealous, like she was getting replaced.

Paul helps Laser understand self-respect and restraint and avoiding the "tools" like Klay, therefore giving Laser a new direction in life. Something Nic and Jules alone couldn't properly identify. They thought he was gay. In fact, they actually tell him straight faced they wished he was gay because according to their distorted rationale, gay = sensitive. Lame and very misguided.

Although they thought Laser was gay, they too also let him know a few times that they did not like Clay. But what teenager actually listens to their parents? He was being defiant, because he thought Clay was cool and wanted to fit in. I think he just listened to Paul more, because he wasn't really a parent to Laser.

2b. Paul respectfully helps Joni understand her overbearing Alpha parental unit Nic in the gardening scene, which led to her embracing of freedom on the motorcycle, and gives her a real taste of independence. Something Nic and Jules couldn't provide, and in NIc's case, forbidden.

Paul breaks off his relationship with Tanya as his feelings for Jules grow stronger. His tendancy towards mongomy is based on starting a family, even though it isn't truly his family, he's showing respect towards Tanya and Jules by dedicating himself to one woman.

Even though he knows he's going to be labled the bad guy, Paul desperately pleas for ongoing communication with the kids. And despite his positive impact, he is forced to accept they don't want him around, because apparently he's the one who didn't respect their family...even though they sought him out, Jules made the move on him, and he simply went with the flow...he's got to accept this as reality. A truly idiotic reality, but reality none of the less

Even though Jules equally screwed things up, Paul does still have to take some of the blame. He knew she was married, he knew he was the mother of his kids, he knew that this would be messy when he got into it. He's not totally innocent. And yes, it sucks that he wants to be in his kids life but they're not really happy with him....but hey...they've only known him for one month. Its a lot easier to forgive their mother they've known their whole life then a guy they've only known a month. Even if he is their dad biologically. But, just because they are mad with him now, doesn't mean they will never talk to him again. The movie ended just a few days of basically finding out about the affair. Maybe if we saw the characters in the future, they would be back in his life. Who knows to what effect though.

While its nice that he no longer wants to screw around and he wants to be more a "family guy", he did throw some shade at tanya.Its not like he said, "Hey, I've been seeing someone else, so i don't think we should do this anymore". It was more like "Well, I think you're really fun but I'm looking for something more serious and its not you". There was some implication there thats she kind of loose. That she is not wife material.

Nic only had that rule because she was scared of Joni getting hurt. Afterall, she's a doctor and has probably seen countless of injuries over the years.

We accept the love we think we deserve


Completely true. Couldn't think of a more painfully biased, disappointing ending.


sex-inducing strawberry rhubarb

Hilarious and I want the recipe!
