Changed my opinions

I used to think abortion was really black and white before I watched this, I was really really for abortion but now I'm honestly not sure

did anyone else have their opinions partially or completely changed by this?

The world Forgeting by the world forgot


Yeah I had the exact same feeling (than the OP). And yet, I think the best arguments came from either the pro-choice advocates or the neutrals. Chomsky's arguments about the pro-life militants "doing nothing" to help millions of dying children around the world was quite strong (it hits pretty hard on the pro-life movement, mostly by revealing an underlying racist/chauvinist trend). Another argument that I found interesting was when it was pointed out that the value we attribute to life is relative, not absolute (ex: killing a mosquito is fine for most people). So even if the early foetus is alive, it's not truly conscious, it's not quite as "human" as a born child.


Anyone interested in a look into the issue in some more depth should have a look at an essay I wrote (in the form of a dialogue), in which I explored the problem of absolutism vs. (situational) relativism and contextuality:


The scene right after the abortion, where the doctor has pieces of a little baby and is looking through them to make sure everything is there.

He has an arm, leg, head, and so many little pieces.

That was very shocking and made the experience brutally real for me.

I was pro-choice and yes I still am. Watching this documentary did change my opinion on something. I know now that abortion is murder. Seeing the pieces of that child is proof to me. That baby was not just a mass of cells, it was human and it was alive, and it was murdered.

I am pro-choice because I know that due to medical reasons, abortions are often the best choice. It has to be a really serious medical issue, like the mother will die or the child will have serious defects in order to be a reasonable decision.

I think of all the families out there without babies, if abortions ended and women decided to adopt out their babies instead, every baby would have a loving home.

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´*Gina*


Just because it looks like a human doesn't mean it's human. If anything this documentary reinforced my view that pro-choice is the only moral stance on this issue. Of course you can be a good person if you're pro-life too, but I do not find it a morally defensable opinion.

My 1000 favorite films -


Are you seriously suggesting that it is something other than human?

The moon is dead. Long live the moon.


It's a human fetus. A fetus has not become a person yet though.
