Age Issues

When Dewey is about to debut his band at the high school talent show. They try to pass him off as 14, but he's clearly much older than that. That's pretty obvious when he's standing backstage w/ the four teenagers who make up the rest of his band. Then they try to pass him off as 21 when got busted for drugs. Sorry, he didn't look that age, either.


What age are you trying to pass for?
@Twitzkrieg - Glasgow's FOREMOST authority


That was the joke, because in bio-pics they always try to pass the main actor off as it's subject at any age. Look at "Walk The Line" where Cash goes from 18-late 30's (not counting the scenes where a child plays him).

Check out my blog:


Right. It's a comedy! No need to question realism in a parady such as this.




Can't tell if the OP is trolling, or just an idiot


Why not both?


The only age issue I have is Dewey's supposed to be 14 in 1953, but at the end it says "Dewey Cox (1936- 2007), which makes him 17 in 1953.


I'm not sure how to break this news to you, but I think you might actually be functionally retarded. I don't understand how someone could miss that joke without being brain-damaged.


The OP needs to stick to dramas. These jokes are so obvious.


Wow! Stunned I saw a thread for this. Age issues. Lmao!!! Really?? I thought he looked 14 in the high school scenes.


Who says he was 14. He was a high school freshman. Some places they wouldn't bat an eye at a 21 year old freshman.


How do you function in real life? Honestly, how are you able to get up, eat breakfast, go to a job, drive a car home, and so on, without realizing that was the joke. They specifically have someone say his age to hammer it home and make it really obvious. Somehow you still didn't notice it was on purpose? Wow...


How do you function in real life? Honestly, how are you able to get up, eat breakfast, go to a job, drive a car home, and so on, without realizing that was the joke. They specifically have someone say his age to hammer it home and make it really obvious. Somehow you still didn't notice it was on purpose? Wow...

So much this.

Anyone here mentions Hotel California dies before the first line clears his lips.


thank you for saving me from typing that....


You have to be trolling. No one can miss the tone of a movie this badly.
