The darkest/saddest skits

a lot of their stuff is about screwed up familys and stuff, and some of them are really dark and would be really depressing if i was'nt laughing so hard. the darkest to me being the riddle with the lost keys, i laugh to hide the pain. whats the darkest skits to you guys??????????????????????????????????


im sorry but i think that the worst darkest saddest sketch ever *it even made me stop watching it for a while* is baby skull seeking bullets where the baby gets shot at the end NOT FUNNY AT ALL


Good Morning, Dad.
It takes the cake, I was watching it again the other night and thinking this has to be their darkest sketch. Drunk Daddy is a very close second.

"This Is Not An Exit."


The one where the teacher is trying to make the kids guess who's parents died in the car accident was dark, but it was still funny. :D


Get A New Daddy


I forgot who it was but the skit was a "Documentary" about a hiker and he gets stuck under a boulder and the crew is trying to speed up his death.

I loved it, thought it was funny but it was soo wrong.

I get it up, I get it up in the dark, I make her feel I'm not a holy man


The "50 Cal Bar" sketch was pretty dark but hilarious as was the one where Trevor takes his kid to the mechanic cause he's "broken".


Hippo in the City


There have been a number of dark sketches but hands down I have to give it to 'Stork Factory'. If for no other reason then because the sketch got away with stabbing babies. There have been a lot of sketches that will go dark and try to twist it towards the end and while 'Stork Factory' does the same thing it still leaves a distinct "Holy hell, I can't believe they did that." feeling on a person.


all the previously mentioned ones are great but the one that made me laugh the hardest was the pizza bagels one. in fact i'm going to watch it again.


Of Course number 1 is "Good Morning, Dad"

But the second is:
"The Nerf Arms Race," where they get nerf nukes and get in an arms race, and it culminates in them beating up a retarded kid telling them about how he's getting a nerf nuke too.
