Like A BAD High School Musical!!

I can't believe that this idiotic show is on the air! Much less that there are people who take it seriously. The "talent" is worse than a BAD high school production. The audience goes nuts like it's the Beatles for the first time on American television on the Ed Sullivan show in 1964. The judges "love" everyone.

American Idol is one thing (I'm NOT a fan of that show either). At least Simon and occasionally, Randy give some well-deserved criticism. What's REALLY hard to believe is that somehow they think that Broadway patrons might actually pay $100+ per ticket to see these horrible performers (they WON'T! .. Notice that the screamers in the audience are all about 13 years old. THEY don't have the money to go to Broadway)!


"What's REALLY hard to believe is that somehow they think that Broadway patrons might actually pay $100+ per ticket to see these horrible performers"

So Laura Osnes is a 'horrible performer'? Yeah, this may be why she got cast in Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella and completely shined... I paid over $100 to see her there.

"I know more about Broadway than you'll ever know. I'll say it again. If they think that Broadway patrons will pay $100+ to see these no-talent amateurs, they are delusional!"

NO TALENT PERFORMERS? Hah. Once again, you think Laura Osnes has no talent?

Yeah, once again, she got cast as Cinderella and blew everyone away in the role.

But, I'm guessing that her lack of talent is what got her cast as Cinderella, and, I'm sure that they just pitied her and felt sorry for her, so, they made her the leading lady...

Totally makes sense... talentless people get cast on Broadway and get raving and fantastic reviews ALL THE TIME. Yep. I see your logic. Makes sense.

You're right, you do know more about Broadway than anyone else does. Yep.
