MovieChat Forums > Skins (2011) Discussion > Worst Skins Charectors?

Worst Skins Charectors?

So there have been msny rubbish charectors in the past skin seasons. Here are my least favourite ones:
- Liv: I don't even know why I hated her!
- Sid: He was a dull charector.
- Frankie: One word - annoying! She was never happy, and moaned all the time. Get over it!
- pandora's boyfriend: I don't know his name, but he brought nothing to the show. His story may have been alright, but hell, he didn't have an interesting personality.
- pandora: She's actually quite funny and i would have liked her till the veru end if she didn't sleep with Cook. I always thought of her as inmocent and adorable and that event just took her cuteness away!

I think that's about it. Let me know who your least favourite charectors are! I know many of you may find Effy annoying but she's not in my list, because along with Tony, Maxxi,Anwar, Mini, Freddie, Cook, and Cassie, she's my favourite!


Sid was a great character and was arguably the most realistic character in Skins history. He was so deep and interesting. He had an iconic relationship with Cassie and a touching friendship with Tony.

Here are my least favorite characters:

Michelle: I don't completely hate her, but she is so full of herself and way too egotistical for me to like her. I found her episodes to be a bit boring. She was so whiny about literally anything.

Thomas: Hands down my least favorite character in all of the second generation. He was pretty useless and his storylines were always extremely boring. I always skip his episodes when I watch the show. And he was a total *beep* to Pandora at the beginning of Series 4. Hypocrite, much?!

Frankie: She is one of the main reasons that the third generation is so terrible. She had potential to be an interesting character, but they just completely ruined her in Series 6. She was totally selfish, out of control, and a complete b*tch to everybody. Her personality was seriously vile. I get that she had a rough childhood, and that Grace's death really shook her up, but that doesn't excuse her horrifying behavior. I think she is a reason that the third generation failed and that Series 6 bombed. She was the main character of the third generation, and they made her so unlikable.


I didn't mind michelle. But I always wanted Tony to be with Cassie! I really did dislike Sid, and I found his friendship with Tony to be a bit boring even thiugh Tony's charector was awesome. Maxxie and anwar's frienship was my favourite of all three generations.
For the most part I agree with you. Frankie was annoying a hell. Everything jad to be about her! I mean they kinda put Effy in that position in her generation, but she was far from annoying! And Thomas -that's his name!) was such a bad charector. I just didnt care about him!


In my opinion Frankie was actually the best character in generation 3. I just liked her personality, even if she was a complete bitch her story lines were very deep, the way she ruled the different situations was kinda interesting.


I completely agree with Michelle and Frankie, and although I think Sid is overrated, I agree with your defence of him.

I do also agree Thomas was boring, but I genuinely cannot fathom how he was hated for cheating on Pandora when she did it beforehand and wasn't hated at all. Not only did she do it more than once but she did it with her best friend's partner.

The closest theory I can muster is that because she's basically borderline mentally retarded, she could get away with anything and not be seen as wrong.


Are we only talking about main characters?. Hmm this is tough. There are several characters I don't much care for, but they manage to make up for it somehow. Strangely enough the characters I dislike the most all seem to be female.

Effy got on my nerves. Beyond the physical, I don't understand why all of those lads (besides Thomas) was infatuated with her. She's a fraud, with her oh-so-cool persona. Then, at the end of it, despite the fact that as far as we know, she barely did any work or attended classes, she was awarded straight As in her A-Levels, officially because she went "mental", but unoffially because she'd bring the college averages down. Maybe I should have went on the piss and popped pills every day when I was at college instead of working hard.

Franky is a strange case, she started out as a nice character that the viewer pitied because she was bullied by Mini, then at the beginging of season 6, out of nowhere, she became a bitch. Why did she act like such a dick to her boyfriend? Her going off with that lad was pretty much the catalyst that caused Grace's death, then after that, she blanked Matty and became Effy II with every guy in the world desiring her. I wish she had died when she jumped out of that moving veichle.


I guess we all share the hate for Frankie!
But really, Effy was great. She wasn't bitchy, but incredibly nice to everyone. That time when she told Naomi she'll keep her secret and when she was being nice to Katie despite Katie starting a fight with her when they went camping. She, after Cassie, is my favourite female charector!


Franky, Michelle


Why on Earth would Cassie and Tony end up together?! That's just wrong. Sid and Cassie were meant for each other, end of story!


I think it would have been awesome if they were together! Since Sid never really gave Cassie the love and respect that she gave him. He was too busy fancying Michelle! Pssh.
But anyways, let's not dwell on that. That's something for another discussion. We all dislike Frankie! Is there anyone who likes her? I really want to know if someone likes her and why they do?


Anwar: Douche Bag
Franky(Season 6):She's so annoying in season 6 but she was alright in season 5
Matty: Another case of Doucherie
Tony:I still like the caracter he was great but the thing he did to Sid i couldnt stand that

''If Rome wont go to Mohamed then Mohamed will clap until it does''



Maybe I'm crazy, but I kind of wanted Tony and Cassie to get together in series 2 also. It just seemed logical since they were both going through the same thing, being unfairly jilted and cheated on by Michelle and Sid. Plus, Tony had really changed for the better after the accident, and I think he would have been good for Cassie at the time.

"Ask me again."


I guess I'm not the only one who wanted them to get together!


No you're not, I wanted that too.
I HATE Sid and Cassie togehter and I don't understand the appeal at all. He treated her like crap 100% of the time and only cared about her when it was convenient for him.
Sid is the worst skins character in my opinion.


Someone else who agrees. It wouldn't be 'wrong' if tony and cassie were together. If sid can hook up with michelle then why cant they be together. And in that one episode where cassie told tony that they should be on a date, i was just like 'hallelujah!' but then tony ruined it by telling sid to get back with cassie. Cassie and sid had no chemistry. She was this great charector who everyone adored, and he was rather dull. He couldn't be charectorized as a nerd because he was dumb, he wasn't a funny charector, he was however simply a tag-along who stole their best friends girlfriend despite knowing what tony had been through. Yes at the beginning tony didn't treat michelle or sid well, but they weren't there for him when he needed them most. That makes sid a horrible friend! I dont understand why people find him cute and like him - he doesn't have the cute, dorkish, big bang theoryish thing about him. He just does not :/


I concur. Sid just is a jerk.


Yes, I'm really from a town called Santa Claus


Wow… you are so closed-minded!


why though? I know they're just silly characters but wouldn't anyone act the way Michelle did after being treated so poorly by Tony?


Gen 1
Anwar - He was a pretty underdeveloped character, and his initial close-mindedness and constant immaturity was grating.

Sketch - Just an odd and unnecessary addition in series 2.

Gen 2
JJ - He was pretty boring, and it was difficult getting through his episodes when they kept hitting us over the head with him being this beautifully, hard to understand character.

Emily - I have to start by saying I love Emily, but she became a bit unpleasant to watch in series 4. She was way too consumed with her bitterness after she found out Naomi cheated. Being bitter is an incredibly fair reaction, but I didn't understand her insisting on them staying together when she clearly could not move on. Their relationship became really unhealthy because of it. I wish they'd taken the time they needed apart.

Gen 3
Nick and Matty - I know they're brothers, but watching them passive aggressively, (and sometimes not so passively) butt heads over the same girls was uninteresting.

Franky - Mainly because she turned out to be ridiculously disappointing. I really liked her in series 5. Her character involved a lot of subjects that were more genuine and subtle, but just as interesting; foster care and adoption, same-sex parents, androgyny, bullying, possibly asexuality. I have no idea why they would decide to so drastically change her character overnight with zero explanation. It seemed like they had a plan and were really going somewhere different with Franky, and then they decided to back out last minute and turn her into a bit of a cliché. I don't get it - such a letdown.

"Ask me again."


I liked Anwar - I thought he was really funny and I loved his friendship with Maxxie. Yeah, he was a little close-minded - but that was his storyline. I found him adorable!


Gen 1

Anwar: I don't really hate him, but was too cartoony and goofy

Chris: I didn't like the way he acted all the time. Always partying, drugs, sex, escaping reality but never face his problems. Until Jal had to put him on his place, still, he didn't learn.

Sketch: Well in this case... isn't she supposed to be dislikeable?

Gen 2

Thomas: I get bored by just remember him...

Pandora: Same as Anwar.

Cook: He is an EXTREMELY HARDCORE version of Chris, basically a representation of everything I hate on a person.

Gen 3

Nick: Mainly just a brute.

Matty: An animal like Nick (in terms of personality), but slightly smarter and calculating.

S6 Frankie: Do I need to explain?

everyone's a critic...


I thought Sketch was a great character. Yes, she was extremely unlikable, but she was well written and a strongly developed character if you think about it. She was freakin' crazy, but her troubled childhood and sad home life was clearly the cause of all that. She's quite a sad character. And she made a great antagonist, I think. She really shook things up in her episode in Series 2.


Agree on Sketch & the actress who portrayed her-great. Her room of Maxxie worship & her recital by memory of the things he would do daily were real creepy fun. And her last statement to Anwar was powerful in it's subtle message of striving for nothing & accepting it.


I completely agree--I thought Sketch was an intriguing and complex character who was definitely the most memorable from the whole season. I also grew up with a sick mother and can definitely see the strain it would have on the poor girl--who had to take care of her by HERSELF..could you imagine?? That would make anyone kooky in my opinion. Yes, granted, she should not have poisoned Michelle or stalked Maxxie SOOO much, but anyone who's weird or a "loner type" automatically get sh***** on, people are so closed minded


I couldn't disagree more. I hated Sketch and found her to be a despicable, psychotic bitch. I never really cared much for her character. It was a sigh of relief once her character was no longer on the screen at times. I found Sketch to be one of the most unlikable female characters I've read/seen in any book/film/TV show (and there are only very few I actually dislike). Just because your own mother is physically disabled and has issues like you do gives you no right to cause hell in other people's lives, whether it is her false accusation of sexual abuse that resulted in the arrest and firing of the drama teacher, getting Michelle pills that caused her to be sick on the evening of the musical production (although I thought that was kind of stupid on Michelle's part), and her obsession with Maxxie. She destroyed and ruined a man (the drama teacher) for the rest of his life just because she didn't get what she wanted. That is nothing to root for. Psychopath, I say. In addition, Maxxie was gay. What the hell was Sketch expecting - blood from a stone? There are millions of fish in the sea. And c'mon, could she have please gotten rid of those filthy barrettes and not wear something that makes you look like six. It's not cute. Like the old saying goes, "When you see a spade, call it a spade."

Sketch just leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth.

Cast Away...It's like Forrest Gump, but on an island. - Bridesmaids


In all reality, you hating her character so much just means that her as an actress succeeded. She wasn't supposed to be a lovable character like Maxxie for example. You were supposed to dislike her. Her character was supposed to stir things up. Her story line with Maxxie and Michelle in my opinion was one of the most memorable of the season. :)


I’d argue that the drama teacher had it coming. Sketch may have lied about him abusing her, but he was a sleaze with his female students in general. Rewatch the episode.




Franky at the start of series 6, though I like her better at the end.
Foster, for obvious reasons, and also his story is totally shoehorned in.



I liked mini and grace - they were my favourites in generation 3. Effy is one of my favourite charectors in the whole of skins. But we're all entitled to our own opinions - so cool choices!


Michelle - a boring character. If Tony ended up with a fellow psychopath, I would have been much happier.

Most of the adults in series 3-4 - Will Young being the obsessed Michael Jackson fan? The psycho psychiatrist who dances to Phil Collins in his spare time? LAZY WRITING!

Truly Happy Mondayed.


I just rewatched generation 1. Michelle was cool when she wasn't putting up with Tony's crap, but most of the time, she came off as a simpering weakling, or a whiner. Also, for someone who was meant to be smart, she was pretty stupid. That Josh bloke swore blind that he didn't take those pictures of his sister. Gee, Michelle, I wonder who's cunning and ruthless enough to do such a terrible thing? If there's one character that the US remake handled better than the original, it's Michelle.

"Why do you say this to me when you know I will kill you for it?"


I hated the michelle in the us one! A bit off topic but - Everything in the american skins seemed like a really bad rip-off copy! Not one charector stood out as every dialogue was the same and executed poorly. God knows what they did with cassie. It was just really bad!


JJ (I didn't hate him but I didn't find him interesting)

honey badger don't care.


Hands down Liv and Franky tie. They were PAINFUL. I'll tell you what was so awful about Liv :). I could never understand why she was so confused and angry about her friends reactions to her actions. She acted like it was horrible that Mini was hurt by her. What she did to Mini was so disgusting. And then she kept pouting and acting so hurt that Mini wasn't telling her personally information. Like Mini was obligated to tell her man-stealing friend who she's dating and that she's pregnant. The proper reaction would be to apologize for creating the distance that Mini felt she couldn't share those things, not punch her in the face. I was done with her but when she actually hit Mini I wished she had died in that crash.

Franky just always acted like because she was so damaged that it gave her the right to act however she wanted. She acted like there was nothing wrong with anything she was doing and she was entitled to do anything.

Michelle is a distant third. She was just very dull and I could never figure out why she was the object of everyone's affection because Cassie was by far the prettier girl with a much better personality.

Pandora was painful after Thomas cheating on her. It was so strange how she (and everyone else) said he ruined the relationship when his actions were a result of what she originally did.

I love Tony (after the accident), Mini, Cassie, Effy, JJ, Maxxi, and Emily.

"Dwight, you ignorant slut!"


Totally agree with liv and frankie. They were annoying and I would've preferred it if they were given less camera time! They should have killed off liv instead of grace! And i simply loved tony (cant wait to see nicholas hault in warm bodies!) cassie was great and i actually didnt mind michelle - i loved what she said to that posh girl who tony slept with :D And effy was one of my favourites too!

