The one you didn't like.....

I like several wes anderson movies but I've noticed while looking at forums that there is always one wes anderson movie his fans don't like. Personally, i didn't like the royal tenenbaums very much. The life aquatic was my favorite with bottle rocket as a close second. I cant give a reason for why i didn't like it as much, i was just curious if anyone else felt that way about another anderson film.

So whats yours?

"That's nothing. Once I waited a whole year for September."
- Fozzie Bear


You're right. Most Wes Anderson fans have that 1 or 2 films that don't do it for them. But whats fascinating to me is the fact that his misses seem to be completely different for each person.

Interestingly enough, the 2 that completely fell flat for me were Life Aquatic and Rushmore.

Royal Tenembaums is easily my favorite. I pretty much love everything else he has done.


I like all the Anderson films to one degree or another. I'm not gushingly blown away by most of them, but I like his quirk and his charm. That said, my least favourite is Moonrise Kingdom.

He's at his best when the stories he's telling require the quirkiness and when the characters still have heart underneath their taciturn and deadpan exteriors. He's at his weakest when he starts to go overboard on the style (quirk) of the films with no real reason or method underneath it all. Moonrise Kingdom is, I find, too much of the latter. The Grand Budapest Hotel was perilously close to overriding its story with style-over-substance, too.

In my opinion. Naturally.


I love Wes Anderson's films, but I really can't stand Life Aquatic. It was unbearable to watch. My favourite being Rushmore


Cant stand Royal Tenenbaums...


have all his movies
like all of them
some for their story
some for their characters
some for the comedy
some for the complexities of relationships
some simply for variables which are hard to put into words


I haven't seen this movie yet, but of the others really the only ones I DID like much were moonrise kingdom and Budapest hotel. I thought fantastic mr. fox and life aquatic were boring, bottle rocket and royal tannebaums were ok but should have been better, and I am too tired to remember the others offhand.


Moonrise Kingdom is my least favorite
