MovieChat Forums > The Girl Next Door (2008) Discussion > If you didn't find this film disturbing....

If you didn't find this film disturbing...

This is the first film that's ever truly disturbed me (as an adult). I've seen Irreversible, A Serbian Film, Cannibal Holocaust and a whole bunch of other extreme films and none of them unnerved me like this one. Maybe it just depends on the individual, so I am intrigued... could anyone who didn't have such a reaction to this film tell me which films they did?

Last 3:
The Girl Next Door-2007 (3/10)
Monster (7/10)
Red State (5/10)


I've seen a lot of disturbing movies and this one just didn't get to me like Lilja 4-Ever or Irreversible did.

With this movie, you don't really figure out why the aunt does what she does (although if I'm wrong I would like it explained as to why she did it) and the fact that the entire second half of the film is just the girl getting tortured seems a bit strange.

And there aren't really as much emotions in this movie as there are in Lilja 4-Ever and Irreversible.


Irreversible is 100x more disturbing and better than this crap... Seriously! And how dare you compare a masterpiece like Cannibal Holocaust to this recycled piece of *beep* of a movie!?


i read jack ketchums book and that was very disturbing, so i know i will not watch the movie....


If you made it through the book, the film shouldn't get to you as much. The book was much more difficult and the only one I struggled to finish (despite his easy to read writing style). I was so relieved that he left the burning part to our imaginations. If I had to read that in detail, I would have lost it.

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I thought this film was rubbish. A film with a similar narrative but done better is The Woman (written and directed by Lucky McKee).

Some other films that I find disturbing off the top of my head, that others haven't mentioned, are:

August Underground's Mordum

London To Brighton



The Woman had potential to be a disturbing film, but was ruined by a horrible indie soundtrack that pulled me out of the moment.

Can I trade in the children for more cash?


It is a horrible movie, in the same vein as Konkurito (Concrete) another based on a true story of a young woman being brutally tortured to death while many people who could have intervened, and in fact had many chances to do so, did not.

People who say these types of scenarios don't phase them and have a very off-handed attitude about some innocent being tortured, frankly I find that very disturbing. And I have seen many horrible acts of what people who have no conscience can do to other living creatures also, it often makes me think there is no hope for us.

Just a depressing movie and topic all around...


I agree I have seen all of those too, this movie actually disturbed me and I wasnt the same until the next day.


I found this film pretty disturbing. I've been looking around the Internet for the most disturbing movies and only 2 I had trouble finishing, this and The Angels of Melancholia.

Other disturbing movies I've seen so far:

Salo 120 days of Sodom
Cannibal Holocaust
A Serbian Film
The Green Elephant
Sweet Movie
Pink Flamingos
August Underground Mordom
Guinea Pig Series Flower of Flesh and Blood
The Philosophy of a knife
Men Behind the Sun
Combat Shock
Funny Games
I Spit on your Grave
Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice
Dead Girl
Human Centipede
Cutting Moments
Holy Mountain
Tetsuo, the Iron Man
Santa Sangre
El Topo
MASD 004
Ichi the Killer
The Clockwork Orange
Megan is Missing
Requiem for a Dream
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Eden Lake


I just got done watching it just now. I gave it one star, wishing I could have given it half a star. Whoever created the movie, has got a wild imagination. But as a woman, watching through this movie, I was terribly disturbed at how the characters had such a low opinion of women. So glad times are changing.

Why did the boy next door not say anything after KNOWING that she was down there for DAYS!? He could have said something had he just told somebody. What a dumb little kid.

But what's the point in bickering? It's just a movie. But still. Wish I had never seen it. Nobody really got much of any justice at the end anyway.


The most disturbing part is the fact this is a true story and for many aspects this film portrays what was done to this girl. In the book house of evil of the actual events there are pictures of the dead girls body. THAT was more disturbing to me than this film.
