MovieChat Forums > A Mighty Heart (2007) Discussion > Angelina Jolie and the screaming

Angelina Jolie and the screaming

When I start analysing a film while watching it for the first time I generally stop being immersed in the film experience, and the magic has gone.

During the scene when Angelina Jolie's character hears the news of her husband's death and she starts crying and screaming, I remember how I found the screaming annoying and I wished she would stop. Maybe that was the desired effect. Who knows? However, at that point I emotionally disengaged from the movie and the character, from the hurt and pain she must have felt.

While the scene progressed I began thinking, 'Hmm, why am I thinking about Jolie's performance and the choices the director made in filming it this way and not becoming upset by the terrible horror of this woman's experience'. Michael Winterbottom is a bit of a heavyweight director, and I'm not about to say he can't cut the mustard or he should have shot that scene differently. Ah, bugger it, maybe I am.

'Interesting,' I thought, whilst turning down the volume on Ms Jolie, 'how would I do it? What would work better?' I imagined the camera staying outside the bedroom with all those other people, hearing the muffled screaming coming through the closed door, whilst the camera pans from face to face, and they all look exactly how you imagine. No-one looking anyone else in the eye, no-one saying anything, no-one moving. I think that would work quite good. But, I'm no Michael Winterbottom, haha. No, I think the reason the scene is shot the way it is, is this is the BIG scene for the star of the film. There's no way Ms. Jolie would allow her 'Oscar' (™) moment to slip away and we can all only guess whether there was a clause in her contract or not, etc, etc and so on.

As you may have guessed, while I think Angelina Jolie is a very good actress I'm not necessarily convinved that she's up there with Meryl Streep or Cate Blancette in the Oscar (™) stakes, although I am aware she won one for Girl, Interrupted, in which she did some notable screaming. After all she is the same Angelina Jolie that appeared in movies such as Cyborg 2 (forgiven due to being very early in career..) and Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Yes, it can get pretty bad, eh? There is another steaming turd of a movie worth mentioning for it's immemorable entertainment value, Angelina's lousy accent and her amazing ability to play the mother of an actor roughly the same age as herself. Yes you guessed it folks, Alexander. Need say no more, except Rosario Dawson, ahem...

Which, in closing, leads me to the other important debate regarding this movie - what was with the lousy French accent? I didn't reaslise she was French until well into the movie, and I learned to speak French at school! Mon Dieu!

This comment was posted for my fun and your entertainment so there's no need to get all righteously outraged and indignant now. Is there? :)

Oh, and from here on this is my serious point that you can get as righteously outraged and indignant as you want. If you ingrates can stand the pain of reading subtitles and you're curious to see how an actor portraying the emotion and horror of just finding out the person you love has been killed, then watch the sterling, powerful performance of Dutch actor Clarice von Houten in the excellent Paul Verhoeven film 'Zwartboek' aka Black Book. Now, THAT is acting.


So was your husband brutally murdered? Do tell us how you coped with that.


Ooh, you sound righteously outraged and indignant.


Are you serious? That question is so completely out of line and irrelevant. The poster was clearly talking about the director's choice to depict her reaction as he did, not her reaction itself.


I will admit I am an ingrate, so much so that I will write the word Oscar without including a trademark.


great post :-) agreed with u i also turned down the volume it was so annoying and in fact made me lost sympathy for her all together...this is not pouring emotion this is confusing hysteria with good acting, put her screaming next to that famous daniel day lewis scene in there will be blood (his i abandoned my child! outcry) where viewers were glued to the screen and u tell there difference between unbelivably good acting like DDL and crap acting like AJ...and lets not talk about the fake crap accent lol


YES. Exactly!

I stopped watching the movie at this point.

And I have been trying to think of a good onscreen emotional outburst to compare it to and that, indeed, is one.

These are horrible when they are missed, as has happened, here.


He's talking about the direction of the film, not the actual event.


AJ's screaming makes keaton's screaming sound like an expensive performance by a symphony orchestra


totally agreed.

yes AJ has no skills compared to blanchett and streep. and that screaming was annoying. i actually thought the movie was ok but then came that scream part and it was so bad i changed my mind about it. that accent sure was crap too.

an oscar for AJ? i don't care about the oscars cos it's gone to the dogs anyway a long time ago. and so has sundance. give me cannes anyday.



The accent was bad enough but sadly I too emotionally checked out at the screaming scene. I didn't feel any emotion whatsoever during that scene and my roomate giggled during it!


'Interesting,' I thought, whilst turning down the volume on Ms Jolie, 'how would I do it? What would work better?' I imagined the camera staying outside the bedroom with all those other people, hearing the muffled screaming coming through the closed door, whilst the camera pans from face to face, and they all look exactly how you imagine. No-one looking anyone else in the eye, no-one saying anything, no-one moving. I think that would work quite good. But, I'm no Michael Winterbottom, haha. No, I think the reason the scene is shot the way it is, is this is the BIG scene for the star of the film. There's no way Ms. Jolie would allow her 'Oscar' (™) moment to slip away and we can all only guess whether there was a clause in her contract or not, etc, etc and so on.

It's made from bits of real panther, so you know it's good...


I thought A Mighty Heart was Angelina's best performance to date. She's a very underrated actress because of her tabloid overexposure. She was great in A Mighty Heart, Changeling, Girl Interrupted, Gia, George Wallace, Pushing Tin, Playing By Heart, Foxfire, Hackers, The Fever, and The Good Shepherd.



That scene was pivitol to the movie. Marianne Pearl herself, wanted it in the film. Jolie based all of her acting on what Mrs.Pearl told her. She said,(Pearl) that finding out that her husband died made her scream and make noises that she never thought could come out of her. She described her screaming and frantic crying to that of a wild animal. So yes, I think Angelina Jolie's screaming was necessary to the movie and it personally brought chills down my spine.

I thought that scene was very well done.

<3 Kay
