Too much politics?

We enjoyed the series as much as anyone, particularly the performances of the main characters, but really, we thought that the political element got far too much screentime. Obviously the mayoral candidate was a viable suspect and had to be treated as such, but really the political element could have been cut by around 60%, to the benefit of the entire production, after all, with due respect to the Danes, who cares, the mayoral candidate for Copenhagen is not exactly leader of the free world.



the mayoral candidate for Copenhagen is not exactly leader of the free world

That's what confused me a little with the series. Wouldn't someone with Troels' looks, charisma, family connections, etc., etc. be aiming way way higher than mayor of Copenhagen? It may be different, of course, in Denmark, but the mayor in the state capital where I live has very little power.


I think season one was too long altogether. I enjoyed it but wish it was around 15 episodes rather than 20.
As far as the mayoral race goes, Copenhagen is the capital and largest city in Denmark which is a very small country. I think the mayor of that city would wield great power. Not everwhere in the world is like the USA (I'm Australian).
