you call yourself fans....

you all call yourself fans, but all i hear is a bunch of spoiled brats. can't you just be glad that one of the greatest epics of our time is finally being recoginzed? don't you realize that if your attitude were adopted by the rest of us that nothing great would ever happen? hell, they may not have ever written the books if they knew how their "fans" would react when they tried to go to the next level. this kind of childish behavior is why most of us don't go to conventions and join your discussions. personally i revel in the fact that characters and places that i only dreamed of as a child will come to life in a new medium. let the movie come out before you talk about how it isn't are no better than a teacher who tells the "bad" kid that "you will never amount to anything."
let us all hope that this movie sparks something great. if nothing else, maybe a new generation will come to learn of the wars of the lance, or thorbardin, or of the love of a kender for a dwarf.....flint's death was the first time that a book made me cry.....why deny that to someone else?


I loved the movie personally. Sometimes critics say things just to be critical and for no other reason. My only complaint is that it's to short, but otherwise a good movie. I have the dvd now and have watched it 4 times in three days.


I am FINALLY going to see it soon! I just chose it as one of my two first rentals from - remote rentals, you can have X number of DVDs for at long as you want, and when you want one or more other rentals, you return the ones you have (they pay postage and packaging) and they send you the ones you've chosen next.

I can't wait to see it! I haven't had the money to rent anything for months, so the joy of renting ANYTHING is big in itself.

Just like the luck of winning tickets to the new X-Files movie =D YAY!



Fur Is Murder


Since the movie is a piece of crap, I think the original poster should bow down and kiss our feet.

Seriously, this is one of the worst animated movies I've ever seen. I feel like they have raped the D&D franchise, and severly damaged it.


I appreciate your positive point of view but you don't seem to realize that with a weaker, rushed version of lower quality than what it could have been we not only miss out on the other 5 main novels but it also hurts the chances for something truly great like what Game of Thrones has been given.

I read recently that Marvel's The Punisher isn't going to be reboot anytime soon because of 3 failed movies, and it stated in words suggesting a tone of fact rather than opinion that The Punisher isn't very translateble to the big screen. This misconception comes from weak filmmakers who have not made a reasonably good attempt and are clueless, so now their incompatence is killing the hopes for this franchise to be made the right way. Dragonlance needs to avoid this and the animated movie did not really help much.
