MovieChat Forums > Marley & Me (2008) Discussion > During the burial scene...

During the burial scene...

...was I the only person who shouted 'JUST BUY ANOTHER ONE'...?


I am taking it by your post you have never had a family pet, and this movie is based off not only a true life story, and it based on a book, and when you lose a beloved family pet it is not that easy to go and get another one. There is normally a time period that you go through that you still be mourning the loss of your pet. I am reminded by an old post that they did get another dog, and then when you feel like you ready you decide if you want to get another one or not depending if you only getting one or even more. But here is a good question for you, let's say you are burying your beloved pet in your backyard, or front yard, wherever you choose to bury it, and somebody shouted at you "JUST BUY ANOTHER ONE" is that the words you would want to hear at a time of saddness. Cause if that is what you wouldn't want to hear, I am sure the same for the Grogans. But I am sure that you are the only one.


"Touchdoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooown Auburn"


You never yelled it


I guess it is to show you how much of a heartless grinch the OP is


Agreed, it's just a dog, buy another one.


"Just a dog"

Clearly you've never had any pets in your miserable life.


I guess or clearly hugh1971 is heartless


If you are attached to the dog, it hurts to lose it, and you don't feel like going through that again. Not straight away, anyway.



When your child dies you can easily make a new one, it will be fun.


It's not that simple to replace a family member and yes Marley was an integral part of their family.

Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.


Clearly another *beep* Trump supporter.
