MovieChat Forums > The Sarah Silverman Program. (2007) Discussion > WHAT'S THE AGE/SEX OF THE FANS AND HATER...


Not of Silverman herself but the show. Just post either FAN, or HATER and then your age and sex.

Me: HATER, 42 Male.


Fan, female, 15 [16 in two weeks...]

"I'm superstitious. Whenever I start a new movie I kill a hobo with a hammer."-Gwyneth Paltrow


FAN, 37, Male.

I watch it with my brother-in-law, who's 25.


3 yr old post op trannie hater


FAN, 20, Male


Fan, female, 19


I'd say fan, 22

PS: I don't see a pattern. At all.


Thank you movie-scientists, for explaining me why I shouldn't enjoy this movie.



I'm 14, so this show should be funny to me, but Its just really odd. Not even regularly odd, but odd to the point where it hurts to watch (i'm overexaterrating. It has its funny moments though, I have to say.




Fan: 18, female


I am a huge, huge, HUGE fan of Sarah Silverman.

Age: 16
Sex: Male

"Jeff Jackson and the Guide for New Superheroes"


45, Male, Lover.

It also might be useful to state what one hates and what one loves to give context.


Love: Kids in the Hall, Monty Python, Mr. Show, Arrested Development, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Seinfeld, SCTV, Chapelle's Show, Soap, The Office (British and American)

Hate: Friends, Everybody Loves Raymond, Sex And The City, Different Strokes, Saved By The Bell, According To Jim, Tapioca



23, female, huge fan. How could you hate this!?!? Honestly, I have NO idea. And I like to think that I'm a perceptive person.

Going with zerobeat's suggestion . . .

TV I love: Arrested Development, The Office (mostly American), Kids in the Hall, X-Files, Buffy, Firefly, Seinfeld, Mr. Show, Strangers With Candy

TV I hate: um I don't really watch enough of TV shows I hate to remember them, but . . . King of Queens (and anything similar), Emeril, any show with the $40 a day chef woman, SNL lately, Men in Trees, Ed, Sopranos, the Bachelor/ette . . . I bet I'd hate Lost, Ugly Betty, and Chuck if I watched them. I hate their commercials.



ETA: of course you can't just SEE the patterns in age/sex/etc., but surely there's someone out there watching this that has some spare time on their hands and access to Excel or SPSS. Anybody want to enter all the ages/denominations from this thread into a database and do some analyses? Or send it to me after the grueling data entry and let me do some analyses?


Fan, 39 Male, and I live in the UK so have to download it, Why the question ?


ME: Hater, Male, 21. I just don't fine any part of the show funny. I watched three episodes. Now I assume the odds of all three episodes just being absolute misses aren't that great. I sat there, trying to find something funny, but I couldn't. None of it was funny at all.


Me: Hater, 41 Male. She's easily the most annoying human being on television currently. You could take the cast of any season of The Real World, multiply them by any cast of any season of The Apprentice, and add the cubed annoyance factor of Ray Romano, and it wouldn't come close to approaching how much this hack annoys me. I'd rather have a catheter inserted in my junk on a nightly basis than suffer through a half hour of her show.
