the US flags

It seems inappropriate to put USA flags on these new planets when they are really representing earth rather a country. It was especially silly to see one right at the very end of the film when Brand was looking over her new camp at Edmunds planet. Otherwise, a great movie


At that point they were just observation posts for the NASA Ranger missions; they weren't 'claiming' the planets for America. It's not much different to Armstrong planting the American flag on the Moon: it meant "We Americans came here and did this thing," not, "This place belongs to us now."


We Americans came here and did this thing
- thank you for proving my point for me; by putting that flag there they are making it all about themselves as opposed to the human race overall.
I do accept what you say to a certain point though. Fair enough - when they first landed on the 3 planets, the US flags being planted there wasn’t such an issue. It actually never bothered me until I noticed, in the final seconds of the film, that Brand was setting up ‘camp’ on Edmunds Planet with the American flag right in the middle of it. And don’t try and tell me that it was the same flag that Edmunds originally planted there – Mann’s flag had been erect for less time and was already shredded, torn and bedraggled. Granted, the weather on Mann’s planet was worse, but Edmunds flag would not have looked as pristine as it did in that scene so Brand had made camp and planted the US flag herself.
This is not the same as the lunar landings at all. That was an amazing, historic achievement for the US space program and they deserved to gloat that their country was the first to set foot on the moon. The objective of this mission is completely different. Our planet is in dire trouble and we need a place to relocate to. So for the first colony of earth’s future existence it is definitely inappropriate to celebrate the past of just one country – even if they were primarily responsible for landing there.


Was it American funding or international funding? I didn't catch that part.


Not sure. I think at NASA they said the government had been secretly saving money so it would be hard do that internationally so probably just USA - I think that was a detail deliberately left out so we wouldn't know either way.

Wherever the money came from though, the point remains the same (i.e. see above). The new world could perhaps have kicked off with a flag that symbolises all of us.


There is a flag that represents earth


I think this is much more appropriate:



Amelia is the last human. I don't think anyone will ever see it to be offended by it.

There's no earth flag or human flag anyway - at least I hope there isn't.


Ah, well. That clears up 40 plus years of misunderstandings. Thanks for that.

Is this also why in the USA there are like 1,043 flags per square mile and everybody has USA flag patches and pins on everything they wear? I always thought it was so they didn't accidentally forget which country they lived in. But it's actually so other people know, 'United Statesians were here and we did this thing'.


Oh PLEASE stop your WHINING, CRY BABY diatribe, you fairy little snow-flake! You live in America or live in a 1st westernized world like America that thinks that the entire world, is one big fairytale Disney world, right? Try visiting a REAL 3rd world country and see how that's the TRUE, REAL WORLD...... a mean, corrupt evil world! Sorry but going to jamaica on a resort or cruseship does NOT count! So please, tell me, WHO'S FLAG should they have erected? SYRIA? EL SALVADOR? VENEZUELA? Go live there and come back to me about HOW EVIL AMERICA IS!!!!!!!!!!


By the fact I did not see any Russians or Chinese on any of these planets, it might be safe to say NASA only rescued Americans.


America was the capital of the world in this movie's future. Agrarian societies were the only survivors. Imagine Africa and Asia being desolate. Not even snakes and crocodiles harassing you



Oh so "IMPERIALISTIC" of you liberals! You FORGOT about the "other" organisms in the other 8 planets in our SOLAR SYSTEM? Only earth and NOT the rest of "our" contributing organics spread throughout our said solar system? So there's no need to mention those other LIFELESS 8 planets? EXACTLY my point! Those other 3rd world countries who do NOT contribute to America or NASA but only wish to destroy our country and way of life! If NOT for America, you'd be "survival of the fittest" trying to live in those 3rd world "paradises" that you think its MEAN SPIRITED for America NOT to consider when raising the U.S. flag!
