Ron on the plane to Branson

Was it just me or was Ron in the plane to Branson with the Kettners, even though Marnie was back with Kirk? If so, you'd thought he'd be gone, but apparently not even Marnie breaking up with him was enough to break away from Kirk's family.

By the way, it irritated me that Kirk's family was so obnouxious to him (except maybe the mother), just for the sake of being obnoxious, as -at least in the begining - it wasn't like Kirk was a total misfit. They would always side with Marnie - who was "adopted" by the Kettners because of Kirk - and even with Ron.

Kirk's true family was Stainer, Devon and Jack.


Agreed. His family were all douches, including his mother. His friends were his real family. And how sweet was Devon? Always supportive, positive and kind.


Marnie was keeping Ron as a back up. Earlier in the movie she said something along the lines of she might break up with Ron later if Kirk and her don't work out.
