If you got a Death Note...

Who's the FIRST name you'd put?
(Like, who are they? Friends/Family/etc..)


Maybe brutal criminals
who are not arrested and escaping.
ex,criminals on wanted list




"Don't act, be !" (Kate Winslet)


I wouldn't bother with writing anything, and that's not even for the ultimate sacrifice of using it in the first place. It would go against a code of mine.

However, if I absolutely had to write a name (perhaps against my will), then I'd put the name down of an abuser that I know or someone who has caused enough emotional grief to someone I associate with to last multiple life times.

Our songs will all be silenced, but what of it? Go on singing. -- Orson Welles


I will start with :-
the corrupt politicians,
corrupt officials,
rich people who used money to avoid jailtime,

I have to be careful not to write their names before there is enough proof that they are guilty.


People that use the Death Note are cursed. Ryuk said it himself after Light's dad died in the anime. I don't know if he meant actually cursed or just in the ways of living with themselves but I believe him and could never use the Death Note.

Trusting someone...means relying on them and only the weak do that.
