to all the bashers...

Though I didn't personally work on this movie, I have worked with the people who made it and all I can say is that they make the most out of the small budgets they have to work with and I feel they did a great job of making it work. These movies are fun, the cast and crew are great to work with.

I think a lot of people are forgetting that movies are suppose to be fun to watch and that's exactly what Mr. Jingles is. It's a fun horror movie with an equal balance of thrills and laughs. The death scenes are great and the local talent did a great job. If you don't think that people love these kinds of movies, come out to a feature night or a Skeleton Factory premiere and you'll see.

Just my opinion, congrats on the DVD release guys! :)




Well like I said, if you come out to a Skeleton Factory premiere or a feature night you'll see just how many people do appreciate and enjoy the movies they make.

The whole post deletion thing I don't know anything about, but if what you're saying is true than yes that is kinda crappy because this is an open forum or a means to post your opinions. At the same time if you're deliberately bad mouthing the filmmakers without knowing all the hard work and long hours that goes into making a film (regardless of your tastes or interests) than that is poor on your part. I'm not saying that you're being rude or reckless with your opinions or views or that you should change them for anyone, I'm just saying there are tasteful ways of getting your point across.

You have to understand that people who worked on this movie put a lot into it and are proud of the outcome regardless of your view of the final product. With that being said though, I don't believe your thoughts and views should be deleted or removed b/c they contrast to those of the people who helped make the film and enjoy it.

I hope this all made sense. Can't we all just get along?! :)


I know what you're saying Rainletty21! I mean, we all know it's not some big budget movie and if people expect that then they're going to be disappointed. But if you like a fun/funny/creepy movie then I suggest this one highly! The people who worked on this film worked really hard and a lot of them took time out of their already busy schedules. If you think it sucks, I think one post should do it! Goodnight:)


OK, so they worked hard to make this movie. The fault is theirs. How dumb do they think the viewing public is? When you put crap like this on the shelf, you better be ready to hear some negative opinions. In fact, you better be ready to hear nothing but negative. You put a film like this beside a $1,000,000 movie in the video store, put it a box that misleading, then expect everyone to praise it? Not me! It's junk, it was falsley advertised (the box), and completely without any production values. You say it's gory? I saw it, that's the worst gore I've ever seen. The story sucked also. It cost nearly $5 to rent a movie now. Someone should help the viewing public by having a production quality grade put on the boxes. A 1-10 production grade. Having your buddies go on IMDB and falsely claim it to be a good movie is only digging the hole deeper. After all, the makers have their names on the film. People do remember. I'll never get another one of their films...period!!






i was completely pissed off after watching this movie. the clown on the cover is scarier than the clown in the movie. yeah.. real hard work. hahahahaha


You might want to go back and read my post again. I agree with you to an extent. As long as you're being tasteful with your comments I don't see a problem with it, but I've seen some of your posts and they've just downright rude and deserved to be deleted. Just being honest with you.












Film's are supposed to be fun. This one simply isn't. The fact of the matter is this, a bad movie is a bad movie. I'm sure the guys who made this movie are great people, and worked tremendously hard on it, and I commend them for their efforts - it can't be easy. Having said that, I, and all others on this board have the right to express our opinions on their work, and my opinion is that this film is pretty awful. Still, I appreciate the work put into it giving me the opportunity to see it.








this movie is hilarious.







no pirate group would waste their time pre relasing this movie




Dros, I hope you know that instead of encouraging people to see this movie that you're doing the opposite and making people think that you and the people who made it are jerks. You can't come on a board and harass everyone that says something negative about the movie and not think you're coming across as a prick.















I bet you have a shrine for this movie put up in your momma's backyard.

LMAO. That would be awesome.




I was fooled by the cover:(. I miss my four dollars..


This movie completely stunk. I rented it from Blockbuster today hoping for something wicked cool, but after watching it, all I had to say was "I want my $4.29 back." The acting was horrific, I coulda done better, and I suck, LOL. The death scenes were blah, no real gore, poor direction and Mr. Jingles looked absolutely nothing like the guy on the cover, very misleading and a dang shame too. The flying dildo was hillarious, didn't see that coming.

I think it's safe to say, you never judge a DVD by it's cover, especially a Low-budget slasher flick like Mr. Jingles. The reviews on this movie have got to be bogus, there's no way this movie is a 10, unless this is the only movie the reviewer has literally ever seen in his or her entire life.

I give it a 1/10, and that's pushing it.

"Daniel Craig IS Bond."


I don't care how hard they worked on this. It's still garbage. I rented it and demanded my money back. The lady at the video store took the film off the shelf permanently and trashed it. I blame the filmmakers and I blame Lions Gate for thinking that the public is stupid enough to accept trash like this. I will commend the music. The rest is not even funny. I will look for the names I saw in the credits and avoid ANYTHING they produce in the future. I've also written a letter to lions Gate, knowing it will do no good, but I've done my job to try to keep crap like this out of areas used by professional filmmakers. If you can't do better than that...I'd at least use a fake name in the credits. I don't mean to be nasty but we work for our money and it's a cheat to put something like this on the market. Your hard work means nothing to me...I paid to be entertained, not pissed off at wasting my hard earned money. I work hard too!! Get a day job and leave movie making to someone who knows what they're doing. ...and what's with that stupid clown laugh!!


you wrote a letter to lionsgate? sweet. The lady at the video store really took all the dvds off the wall? lol


Yes, a fruitless letter was written, but I'm sure it will be trashed like the hundred others they'll get. Fortunately for the video store I rented from, they only had one copy, and yes, she trashed it after watching the first 7 minutes with me at the counter. I actually felt sorry for her because she has the daunting task of "judging books by their cover". It would be impossible for her to screen every film. It goes back to Lion's Gate. Why purchase something like that and stick it in a slick box for a struggling video store owner to be fooled by. There are plenty of better films that have no distribution at all. Why waste renters money buying something that is obviously not worth $4.00 rentals. Somebody dropped the ball big time! This is the stuff that makes it hard for serious filmmakers to sell their products. I got suckered by the slick trailer, which was excellent, by the way, if you are trying to fool someone into renting the movie.

On a better note, I hope the filmmakers used this movie as a learning tool. I enjoyed the music, especially the final credit music. It was good, and it was well recorded.


the cover looked amazing...i'm gonna try to get my money back


Sorry but the death scenes were NOT great. At best, they were adequate. The same can't be said for the cinematography. Most of the film was OUT OF FOCUS!! WTF?

While some of the actors were okay, the script has been done dozens of times under different titles. No points there.

This is for the film makers. I like low budget horror films. Those that are done with integrity can be pretty damned entertaining. Unless you're talking about a high school film class project, which this one often resembles, how seriously should a film that lists it's Producers by only their first names be taken? It's called professionalism, guys.

You never know who's watching your little direct to video film in the hope of finding some genuine talent. When they see sloppy technical work, a badly written script, a dildo in the grass and lazy directing, they won't give you a second glance. The film world is littered with one shot wonders who didn't go the extra mile to make the best film they could with what little they had. You blew it.


You know, I rented this yesterday simply because it was filmed in the Detroit area. I'm a huge film nut and hope to one day get a screenplay made. I wanted to see a film made in the area.

Obviously, it's not a good movie. For the budget it was made on, you're not going to get great cinematography, effects or acting. And I was trying to figure out what actress would do a pretty long topless scene that has no baring on the plot.

And yet, I have to say there's a certain level of enjoyment to be had in it. Not because it's scary, funny or even good. But it's enjoyable because it's fun to imagine what fun it must have been to get together and make a movie...that's the sense I got from this: it was a bunch of friends who decided to make a movie together. I'm sure they had fun and I do have to say it was good for being so amateurish.


Dosen't anybody get the feeling that this movie may be criticised a lot but for all the bad acting and rubbish death scenes does anybody think it would suit someone better who was actually afraid of physcopathic clowns?


If this movie can make it to video stores then the movie I'm going to make can make it to video stores. Crappy movies like these give me hope that I too can have my movies released on DVD.

Also I would suggest that the film makers take some film classes before they attempt to make another movie just so that they don't make another point and shoot piece of crap.



Hell no, I hope they continue to make films...And Look, Lions Gate distributed it...If you can do that, your good in my book.

Get to da Choppa!

Billy, Get me outa dis Hole!



any new releases from Crossbow 5 coming out soon?




I do believe that you are retarded you inbred douchebag.


They had fun at OUR expense! Bottom line...It SUCKED!! And personally, I don't care if they had fun or not. I paid to see a horror movie that would be entertaining...not what I got!!


If you looked at the box and saw the budget and thought that it would be a great piece of film, your not very bright. Its a bad movie, thats pretty damn funny. But if you can do better then do it.

Get to da Choppa!

Billy, Get me outa dis Hole!


Evil Dead had an incredibly low budget and the box looks cheesey but it was an incredible film. Just because a movie has a low budget and the box looks cheesey doesn't mean that it will suck. So therefore, you are not very bright.


Therefore, look at the Film Quality and the all equaled bad movie.

Get to da Choppa!

Billy, Get me outa dis Hole!


SEQUEL! Do it!


Are you actually saying that Mr. Jingles had a better plot and film quality?


No...I don't know. Their Both so bad that its hard to tell.

Get to da Choppa!

Billy, Get me outa dis Hole!


Evil Dead isn't considered one of the greatest horror films of all time b/c it's so bad. I'm seriously wondering if you're retarded.


Actually, I think Evil dead it pretty damn boring. ED 2 and Army of Darkness are great damn movies though.

Get to da Choppa!

Billy, Get me outa dis Hole!


I think the beginning of Evil Dead drags on a little too long but the movie has an incredible atmosphere and look. And for what they did on their budget is amazing.


I give credit for how the budget was handled and such, for what they spent, it better than 90% if the stuff done for the same.

Get to da Choppa!

Billy, Get me outa dis Hole!



Actually, it does make sense. Yes, without the first movie there would be no sequel, but that doesn't mean I have to like the first film. It just an opinion about a movie. I don't like Evil Dead, but I love the Sequels.

Get to da Choppa!

Billy, Get me outa dis Hole!

