pixar is overrated

This movie was awesome. Does anyone else think Pixar is overrated?



No way, i can appreciate the extremely talented people behind this movie and pixar.

They did single handed outclass them, with only 3mil vs hundreds of millions.

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Oh trust me it isnt. Ups first half is just excellent hearttouching and just perfect. Then it becomes a standard children movie IMO. This is usually the problem with pixar movies. Some parts are fenomenal others.. Meh. Still I think they are not overrated. The problem isnt that Pixar/Disney is overrated its that great anime movies are underrated.


I like Pixar movies,I agree with you though this movie was awesome

I must become someone else. I must become something else.

Batfleck and Gal Gadot will Prevail


Yes, I agree. But only slightly overrated. I read the comments on this thread and it seems most people don't differentiate or know exactly why Pixar is rated high.

Pixar makes consistently high rated animated CGI films for the family but usually their films are overrated since they tend to cater to a family with children under 10. That is, their films are furry, fuzzy and innocuously warm. I mention overrated since several Pixar are rated over 8.0/10 on IMDB whereas the main competitor (I don't count Disney since Pixar and Disney are affiliated) is Dreamworks which tend to rate slightly lower around 7.5-8.0/10 and the main reason is because probably Dreamworks caters to slightly older children with riskier stories.

A few writers/bloggers have analyzed this debate and have written fine assessments. Pixar tends to average a higher quality film since it puts more money into fewer films but their films are tend to be predictable and make emotional bonds. They tend to win more awards due to the family friendliness and bond. Dreamworks take the riskier, adventures rout which can mean poorer reception. Sort of like the comedian with more material but tries jokes that may not work.

For example, Monsters or Toy Story are safer story lines than Shrek, Kung Fu Panda, How to Train Your Dragon with cruder humor and social misfits. The characters in Pixar tend to be lovable, the characters in Dreamworks tend to be outrageous.
Hence, Pixar has several films rated 8.0-8.5 whereas Dreamworks Shrek and Kung Fu Panda tend to rate 7.5-8.0. Simply, a couple people are turned off by the more adult-like humor or less liked characters. Or people like their teddy bear talking and acting like a teddy bear, not like Ted (the movie). Imagine if Ted (the movie) has less offensiveness (Ted is outrageous), it would rate higher than 7.1 on IMDB. Just my point.

Internationally, anime (Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke), Pixar and Dreamworks are all equally well received but in the US, Pixar tends to lead. In my opinion, most Pixar films should rate 7.6-8.2, about 0.4-0.5 lower or the same as Dreamworks.

Further reading:


No, they're not


I don't think Pixar is overrated. They have made some excellent films along with memorable characters, great emotion and they produce the best CGI animation in the business. With that said, I don't like the fact that their films (along with Disney) gets all the attention in the mainstream media and films like The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, along with Mamoru Hosoda's works and other Japanese animators get totally ignored.

It's a real shame that Japanese animation doesn't get nearly enough attention as American animation here in the West, but oh well, we'll just have to be in the minority by introducing these wonderful films to our friends and family, so that they can realise that it's not only American animation companies that produce fantastic animated films.


actually, japanese itself, make their anime for their audiences only. As I know so far, only Ghibli target international audiences. Other company dont really promote their anime internationally, only some lucky stuff that somehow fortunately got worldwide attention such as Naruto, Doraemon & Dragonball. Outside Japan, they only have niche audience from every country. Its hard for japanese anime to become popular like Pixar because japanese production itself (except Ghibli) is not interested, and target audience is so small (in Japan, its common for age around 40-50 to watch anime but its sounds impossible for other country). While Pixar only do family movie, japanese tend to do a bit mature or heavy stuff that will not really sell well in the west as an animation form. & I guess a lot of people outside Japan prefer 3D rather than traditional/modern 2D.

