MovieChat Forums > Devil's Knot (2014) Discussion > Reese Witherspoon Can't Act

Reese Witherspoon Can't Act

She's nothing special as an actress. Pretty face but that's about it. Why couldn't they have cast someone who can actually act like Maria Bello or Jessica Chastain. I want to see the movie but am really not looking forward to having to see Reese in it.


Pretty face? I don't like her looks.


In my opinion, Reese Witherspoon is one example of that relatively recent (20 yrs or so) hybrid of "star"/celebrity which is COMPLETELY different than being an actor/actress. She's pretty, likable, non-controversial (for the most part), and I'm sure she scores higher than average in audience surveys, polls, etc- especially among certain age demographics. However much like Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Kate Hudson, Sarah Jessica Parker (the list goes on), she lacks the fundamental ability that defines the truly skilled actor and that is the ability to "inhabit" a character so thoroughly that the audience is momentarily convinced on some level that they are watching someone other than Reese, or Julia, Sandra, et al. Granted, the material, director, production quality, makeup, etc etc also play vital parts in successfully achieving that suspension of disbelief (and in some cases can even mask the abilities or lack thereof, of the actor in question), however the fact remains that we, the moviegoing public are (for the most part) acutely aware that we are watching the "star" perform.
I will freely admit that I like Julia Roberts (for the reasons listed above) and will usually not hesitate to go and watch "Julia Roberts" in a movie (or documentary like the one she did for PBS some time ago), but I will also admit that although likable, pretty, etc, she has had waaay too few memorable moments as an actress yet has made soooo much money for Hollywood that it is pretty obvious as to why she and the others continue to get work- unfortunately, that seems to be the way the machine runs (unless and until Hollywood overestimates the public's inability to distinguish between "star"/celebrity and actor and mistakenly casts one alongside the other to glaringly obvious and financially disastrous effect as was recently seen in "August: Osage County"- which btw, was too painful not to mention embarrassing for this viewer to watch past the 40 minute mark).
I haven't seen "Devil's Knot" though I'll admit I am intrigued as the trilogy of docs was fascinating and brilliantly produced (again, only imo) but not for it's "star power". And to be fair, I don't think the list of ladies' above are completely devoid of ANY acting ability or talent (Reese was pretty impressive and amazing in "Freeway" for example), I just think it takes a lot more....."work" to pass them off as truly talented and capable "actresses" and in the vast majority of what's been seen from them that work hasn't paid off in the form of great performances (and any reference to Julia Roberts having won an Academy Award for "Erin Brockovich" or Reese Witherspoon for "Walk the Line" OR Sandra for.......what was the name of that movie again? is irrelevant to their "talent" as "actresses" and says EVERYTHING as to how much the Academy prioritizes profit before talent -and has for quite some time now).
There's enough blame to go around for this distortion, that's for sure. Hollywood, for having been consumed in it's desire for profit by constructing the illusion of quality in most of it's products (re-make after re-make, sequel after sequel, merchandising...). But mostly you and me (us) by supporting and accepting at the very least, the second rate, counterfeit product(s) it peddles as genuine and for allowing ourselves to be dumbed down to the point that the vast majority of us don't even realize it's happened. Now THAT'S a suspension of disbelief.


Totally agree!


performance was trash


Who deemed youse IMDB posters experts about acting? 😝

I've sometimes suspected certain threads claiming this or that actor 'can't act' were initiated by competitors who lose out on roles.
