
Totally unbelievable and at the same time completely predictable, start to finish, with bad acting too boot. It's not a thriller if you know what's coming in every scene. It's time to think twice before watching a Ben Kingsley movie just because he's in it. Apparently, he'll take schlock like this just for the bucks. He has honed his repertoire to a single character and plays the same one over and over. Woody Harrelson is irritating in every film I've seen him in, so I didn't expect anything decent from him--therefore, he was the least disappointing, since he measured up perfectly to expectations. A waste of time except for spotting the numerous films from which the director borrowed motif after motif (such as the birds in Pathfinder). I've seldom seen a film so lacking in imagination.


THANK YOU! I looked it up on rottentomatoes and it got a 91%! WTF! I got bored halfway through, the character of Jessie was so cold-hearted it was unbelievable and the cinematography was adequate at best, relying too much on snowy "art" shots. This movie is totally overrated and I want the 2 hours of my life back!



Appropriately vague criticisms.


Such a terrible taste in movies on this board. This is one of the best thrillers in the last couple of years. Even critics love it considering it has 91% (95% top critics) on RottenTomatoes.

My Top 50 of 2011.


one of the most stupid movies i've seen recently... seriously, arent AT LEAST some americans fed up with this, same kind of s**t for years? two innocent americans (only doing bad things accidentally, but good in nature) travel across a foreign country where all people look and act weird, scary, and brutal. they get into trouble in this nightmarish country and things happen blablabla

btw how the hell you tell your life story, your problems with your partner etc to someone who you just met few hours ago? and how on earth can a woman gets closer to carlos, with that stupid smile on his face and whose eyes almost scream as "dont trust me, i'm an a**h*le"

another thing i hated about this "movie" was... jessie and her stupid camera. wtf? she takes photos of people without even bothering to ask them. are they monkeys or something? thanks to that old woman in bus who didnt let her to do so!


This is Woody's second best performance as a Roy. The winner will always be Kingpin!


