MovieChat Forums > Fong juk (2006) Discussion > find me a great asian crime movie i have...

find me a great asian crime movie i havent seen yet!

I HAVE SEEN THEM ALL! i bet you cannot name an asian crime/action or even some horror (even though thats not really my cup of tea, i would prefer more thriller or those trippy type movies like beat takeshi's "Takeshis'" or "Spider Forrest" ect. ect. I have seen pretty much all of takeshi miike's movies, all of park chan wooks, all of johnny to's except some love stories and PTU, most of my favorites are exiled, infernal affairs, confession of pain, jiang hu(amazing), protege, one night in magnok, dog bite dog, election and election 2 ESPECIALLY, kinji fukasaku's battles without honor or humanity, takashi miikes graveyard of honor (yes i know it is a remake i liked miikes better), ect ect. i could make the list go on for pages in pages. so whoever can name a tight ass asian crime/action/thriller movie that i havent seen... you get a cookie!!



Hard boiled


Youth of The Beast, Confessions, Cold Fish, Crows zero 1 and 2, Tokyo Drifter, Branded To Kill, beast Cops, Fudoh the next Generation.

I Palestine
