Worst Movie Ever

This movie may just beat 'Failure to Launch' as the worst movie ever made. A number of reasons are as follows:

1. It's the worst script I've ever read in my life. It goes nowhere, has no point, and is a total waste of time. Who greenlit this?

2. Fred Durst? He can't direct! Not even his own music videos, which is thousands of times easier because he only has to direct himself. Now he has to direct two personalities who think they have an indie career, as well as tens of unknown actors in which this is their first gig.

3. The performances, as directed by the most despised man on the planet, Mr. Durst, will RUIN the actors careers and possibilities for future roles. Good luck John and Jesse.

4. It could also possibly be the worst-cast movie ever. John Ritter is totally unfitting as Mick and Eva Amurri doesn't do Mary's character justice.

5. The ending leads to nowhere and is a huge disappointment.... not to mention the PLOT, which has maybe one or two conflicts.


whoa, if you think 'Failure to Launch' was the worst movie ever made then when did you start watchin movies? there's much much much worse than that and not all of em star eric roberts


LOL! Yep.
Love Over Money, Art Over Commerce
Every. Single. Time.


Ritter's trademark is now the face stomp. He was good in this.

Jesse Eisenberg has got awkward down in a much more real way than any other actor. The way he didn't look at people while speaking was painful, in the best way.

The direction was weak at times but it was not distracting.

But to the point, if this or even failure to launch is the worst movie you've ever seen you are lucky. In the past 5 years, The Happening and AVP2: Requiem are just leagues and leagues beyond this film in terms of flaws. Check those films out, they are phenomenal in terms of how bad they are.

listen to the receiving end of sirens.


You say good luck to jesse back in 2006. What you say now?


Is there a competition to see who makes the "worst movie ever" thread? At least come up with a more original subject line.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
