MovieChat Forums > In Bruges (2008) Discussion > Who since seeing In Bruges the film has ...

Who since seeing In Bruges the film has decided to holiday in Bruges!

Ever since I saw the film In Bruges I always wanted to visit there. Has anybody else been because you saw the film and thought I would love to see if it is as nice as it looks on film!. I must say its as good a place as I expected to see!. What do you think!!!


Not only did this film make me decide to go to Bruges, but at 47 made me get a passport and go abroad for the very first time!!!!!!!! Went this week and LOVED BRUGES so much Im planning my next visit!!! All the places are fabulous and the locals only happy to help you find them ;-)


Yay! Travel really does broaden one's horizons, eh?
Hope you get to travel around some more, mate.

Brother, you can believe in stones, as long as you don't throw them at me.


I was in Bruges about 2 weeks ago, and several people I met there asked if I had seen this film (that's why I watched it). That said, it's an amazing city with some incredible history, architecture etc. Lots of great little bars, restaurants and ships. I recognized most of the places in the film, and in fact they foot chase near the end of the film went right by the hotel I stayed at. Avoid the "touristy" areas like the Markt, etc.


Well I went their for other reasons after seeing the film. But I did go all meta and when I was on the train to Bruges I watched in bruges and the film ended 10 minutes or so before I arrived.

Film Reverie:
My film diary:


Stopped over for a night whilst travelling around Europe because of watching the film. Beautiful place, and it totally made my day when we saw a dwarf In a bar we were drinking in.

What the *beep* Did I Do?
James "Jimmy" McNulty.


Damn. Now that is serendipity.

Brother, you can believe in stones, as long as you don't throw them at me.


I had never heard of Bruges before I saw the film. After seeing it I couldn't wait to get there. I visited in 2014 on a trip to France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, and loved it. It really is a fokkin' fairy tale town, and I even got to see the dog sleeping in the window over the canal during a boat ride!

And as soon as I returned home I watched the film again. It's an absolute classic!

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


as a belgian, i recommand Ghent above Bruges. It is just as beautiful and much bigger. Not to mention a real city instead of an open air park

- "is this the secret headquarters of the gestapo?"
- "It was"


"It's a schithole." Lol!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Bruges is certainly not on my must visit list.

It's that man again!!


Actually my girlfriend and me are going on Sunday again. And love the place?


Ive spent a couple of days, albeit with different people, there twice since seeing the film. Well worth the visit. When I was last there I phoned a friend who loves this movie and asked her to "guess where I am?". When I replied In Bruges she just cracked up laughing and we couldnt stop.

The best times to be there are early morning and late afternoon after the day-trippers have left which is when the water in the canals is smooth and beautifully reflects the buildings providing a wonderful photo.
