Plot question

Just saw this for the first time. Did it come off as a contrived coincidence that Nino was the guy Driver just met through Walter White but that he was ALSO the guy that ended up being behind the whole pawn shop robbery/murder of Standard scheme. Small world? Maybe it’s just me.


Yeah, that confused me as well.

Driver being the next door neighbor to Standard's wife, and eventual love interest just seemed like a weird coincidence from a plot perspective. Nino even explains to Bernie why he had the pawn shop robbed as it belonged to an old East Coast rival, but why he recruited a fall guy like Standard doesn't really make much sense either. It just seemed like a contrived plot point to pull Driver into helping the girl and her son and eventually tie things back to Shannon, Bernie and Nino at the end.

I think a more tidy plot device would have had Driver fail to help one of Nino's theft crews in escaping which in turn puts Driver into an indebted situation with Nino. You don't even have to have the Standard character and make the girl a widow from the beginning of the story.
