MovieChat Forums > Man of Steel (2013) Discussion > Why do people get offended when someone ...

Why do people get offended when someone calls this film bad

I Thought this film was awful but many of my mates liked it. It seems anytime someone says something negative you have loads of people getting all defensive. Are people not allowed to hate it.


"It seems anytime someone says something negative you have loads of people getting all defensive. Are people not allowed to hate it."

It's kind of typical with any sort of fandom, really, even if in some cases the hate is justified.
For me personally, I really disliked this movie, just because it was nothing but a disjointed, action-packed mess that regurgitated material from not only the Donner films but also other movies. There's nothing even remotely original about this movie, which is completely maddening given the people involved. For example, Zack Snyder is a good director. As much as people like to crap on "Watchmen", I really liked the movie - there were parts that I felt worked better than some of the stuff in the original graphic novel. Even though it wasn't 100% faithful, it was pretty damn close to the source material, right down to panels. "300" was a fun, over-the-top comic book interpretation of the actual historical event that also captured the essence of a Greek tale, while "Dawn of the Dead" was entertaining, even if it wasn't as good as the original. David Goyer - wrote "Dark City", the Dark Knight series, "Blade 2" and "Trinity". Last but not least, Christopher Nolan. You'd think with these three talented individuals working together we'd get a Superman movie to end all Superman movies, if not THE Superman movie.....but that's not what we ended up with. It's maddening because I know these three are capable of so, so much better than this dreck. Not only is it a generic, disjointed mess that rides on the coattails of the Donner films, but it also does an enormous injustice to the Superman character; Superman is supposed to be the embodiment of all that is good, but there is very, very little of that. A lot of the scenarios involved were completely and utterly contrived, even downright stupid. The "Superman" presented here is a selfish bastardization of the character, as not only is he directly responsible for a lot of the carnage within Metropolis and Smallville, making no effort to control the destruction, but his motivations for eventually revealing himself and using his powers doesn't involve humanity or the various problems they face within their civilization. Rather, it's the presence of the big alien spacecraft threatening to blow up the planet that he's living on. Hell, there's not even a "Superman" - he may have put on the suit, but that didn't make him "Superman. Even the name was given more out of sarcasm than anything suggesting a deliberate effort on his part to become a beacon of hope and purity. Look, I'm all for making Superman a flawed character, even adding a certain dimension of realism with a morally grey world that would make a moral absolutist like Supes uneasy, but the movie doesn't even do either of those very well.


As a MOS fan, o think you have to try AND understand thr mind-set of the fans of thr movie who go to places to discuss thr film and constant hear it being bashed by someone for 3 years!

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avengers
