MovieChat Forums > Man of Steel (2013) Discussion > Why do people get offended when someone ...

Why do people get offended when someone calls this film bad

I Thought this film was awful but many of my mates liked it. It seems anytime someone says something negative you have loads of people getting all defensive. Are people not allowed to hate it.


the same reason people get offended by the fact that they've rebooted ghostbusters: we get worked up over trivial things like fast food restaurants getting our orders wrong, faulty electronic devices, people criticizing movies we like, and movies that we don't/won't like.

Well Tony, nobody wants a war. If we can't do business why we'll just shake hands and that'll be it!


I always put it at WHY a person hates or likes something.

Hating this movie because it was very slow in places, as well as being a bit dark is a valid reason.

Hating it because of the destruction in the final battle is stupid.

Loving a movie like Showgirls because we see a quick flash of vagina is a stupid reason to love a movie.

Loving a movie like Showgirls because you were in LV while it was being filmed and are in the background in a couple of scenes is a good reason to love a movie.


I love Showgirls because it is a brilliant satire. 

"No matter where you go, there you are."


Which is a failure, because it wasn't meant as satire. It was meant to be an erotic suspense story.




Yes you are.


I don't know. I can understand people liking a film they consider underrated by the majority (for example, I love the third Pirates of the Caribbean film), but some Man of Steel fans are extremely defensive about this film. I don't get it.


I was just confused that so many people attacked this film for having too much action after Superman Returns was attacked for not having enough action.


I think the story line was too boring and simple. too many plot holes like Lois walking in on him and finding out about his powers even though he has super hearing. The fighting scenes were just repetitive, braking everything possible like the last die hard movie.
I think Sack Snyder was the wrong guy. It takes more than just cool visual effects to impress people now days.


I just rewatched it for the first time since it came out and I'd have to agree, I still think it's entertaining but watching it just after rewatching the Christopher Reeve movies made it seem a little worse. Zack Snyder just didn't give us enough time to warm up to the characters and focused more on eye candy and shaky cam action.


he revealed his powers to her because she was wounded u dumb fk

and fk over complicated plots, a movie is moving pictures not a book, it takes more than just plot to impress people. more super powered fights please


The real question is why do people keep coming to imdb pages of movies they consider to be bad and bitch about em...

Just stfu and move on ;/


So the discussion is only if people have something good to say?


No, everyone can say whatever they want.

The problem is the people going out of their way only to bitch with nothing really useful to say.

I loved the movie, I can see plenty faults and I have no problem admitting those but to drag everyone through the dirt that was involved with making it seems ridiculous to me.


Couldn't agree more, especially with the bit about them going out of their way.

The sheer number of "This movie is terrible..." threads I see on this movie and damn near any other movie as of late for that matter is sad.

A boat that floats on water can also sink in it.


I depends on HOW you call it bad.

There is a difference between "I was disappointed with this film because the characters seemed generic and I was expecting something more exciting and less dreary"


"This film sucks, Snyder's a hack, Cavill can't act, suck it DC fanboys!!"


I hate you and you are awful


Here is your answer. You are either wasting your time by trying to get me to hate something that i am never going to hate, something that i really like and will continue to like OR you, in some insurmountable way, get me to all of a sudden not like a movie that i had previously loved and consequently take something that i loved away from me. Now anyone that would want to do that to another person is an ahole.


This was one of the worst movies i have ever seen.
